• A couple only last November successfully recorded the world's longest marriage with Guinness after marking 85 years of matrimony. Liu Yung-yang, 103, and his wife Yang Wan, 102, from Taoyuan, northern Taiwan, married in April 1917. I found this information at under Specials > Unusual Tales > Article "Couple claim 'world's longest marriage." On a different note, however if you believe in the Bible, I'm pretty sure you will find some marriages lasted more than a century.
  • in muslim comunities most of marriages have long live last which means how old they are ,they 'll stay for the same period.most people get married in early agebetween(17and25)so the length of marriage depends on how long they live.
  • Not sure what qualifies this couple as "World's Longest Married" since another answer stated the the GBWR has a couple listed who have been married longer, but . . . . Just adding to other answers, this is interesting and sad: World's Longest Marriage Cut Short Man Married for 80 Years Dies at 105 AP On their 80th anniversary earlier this month, the Arrowsmiths said the key to marital bliss is to not go to bed angry at each other. Watch Broadband Video: Simple Happy Marriage Secrets Talk About It: Chat LONDON (June 15) - Percy Arrowsmith, who with his wife set the record two weeks ago for the world's longest marriage, died Wednesday, his wife of 80 years by his side. He was 105. Arrowsmith died at his home in Hereford, northwest of London, his bishop said. Arrowsmith and his 100-year-old wife, Florence, celebrated their 80th wedding anniversary and a place in the Guinness Book of World Records on June 1. "Percy and Flo were very happy when I saw them on their anniversary," said the Rev. Anthony Priddis, bishop of Hereford. "They were still very much in love with each other." Earlier this month, Guinness World Records recognized the pair as holding records for the longest marriage for a living couple and the oldest aggregate age of a married couple. The Arrowsmiths, who have three children, six grandchildren and nine great grandchildren, claimed the key to their long marriage was not to go to sleep on an argument. "We will all be praying for Flo and the family in their grief," Priddis said. 06/15/05 13:49 EDT Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.
  • Well Here In Kentucky, Usa. The Longest Marrige On Record is 80 Years. Both People Were Married Young. The Woman At the Age of 13 and the Man At 16. She is 93 Where as he is 96. Both Still have Extremly Good Health and are looking forword to many more years.
  • my neighbor (whose husband just died at age 93) they were married 68 years.. also I know a gay couple who have been together for 45 years
  • Sir Temulji Bhicaji Nariman and Lady Nariman of Mumbai (Bombay), India were married in 1853 at five years old. They stayed married for86 years until Sir Temulji’s death in 1940. Lazarus Rowe and Molly Weber were allegedly married in Greenland, New Hampshire, USA, in 1743.They remained married for 86 years until 1829 when Lazarus died.

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