• Only peaches, though nowadays even they are grown without that furry feeling!
  • My childrens' do and it's due to allergies! Better be careful and do note which ones cause the itching!
  • No, that sounds like an allergy to me.
  • Yeah, sometimes when i eat mangos it burns my tongue...... there was a fruit before it that made my throat itch but i ate the whole fruit bowl I wasn't sure which made it itch!I should have never sliced it all up....
  • That is an allergy and often that is an allergy that is getting worse and leaning toward anaphalaxis. Banana allergy isn't that uncommon. I'm allergic to them and so is my daughter. It is also not uncommon to be allergic to bananas and latex, as they are supposedly fairly closely related. Stop eating bananas and get an appointment with an allergist. You need to be tested. Allergies tend to get worse and can quickly become deadly. I know the media has been very focused on peanut allergies killing kids, but peanuts are far from the only food that can do that.
  • my mouth itches when i eat avocado! but nothing happens as it comes contact to my skin. allergies!!

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