• straight to the vets. it is hard to know whether he has eaten something that doesn't agree with him, has something wrong internally, or has a viral/bacterial infection.
  • Could be worms. Have him checked out by the vet and bring a stool sample. (I know it's gross but it will be asked for). A course of worm pills usually clears it up. Also, make sure you are feeding a high fibre food because hairballs can also cause a vomity cat. Higher fibre cat food prevents hairballs from forming by pushing all the stuff through the other end.
  • Try switching brands of cat food, it could be the cat is sensitive to an additive or food coloring. If he or she is vomiting more than once a day, time to take kitty to the vet.
  • i bet you your vet could tell you what you could do
  • well up til recently i had 2 cats.i have only 1 left now.she is 8yrs old n i find if i feed her cheaper dry foods like whiskers or go cat etc she throws up most other cat was the same They didnt seem to digest it i have to buy them better brands like hills or james well beloved.this solved my problem.i know they expensive,but no point giving cheap food if they arent benefiting from it
  • When i use dry cat food my cat also threw up,so i cut down the amount i fed her as i think the dry food swelling up in the stomach causing the cat to vomit.
  • this isnt an answer, but if someone could respond to this would be a big help before we spend 300$ or more @ vets. My buddy ( cat ) throws up his food very quickly after eating. It hasnt even been digested at all. same color and all, just mushy. Will switching food fix this? His behavior hasnt changed, so im thinking hes not sick. he is well loved in our family and we would be heart broken if anything happened to him. we are not poor but between him and the dog we spend so much at the vet. we really cant afford another expensive bill. What food should I buy to help my little buddy? please help!!!!!!!!
  • THis is easy- Hairballs. Get a medicine (they sell it everywhere even walmart) for hairballs. It has fish oil and lubricates the esophagus. Also, letting the cat eat some grass will help...
  • your cat's stomach cannot digest dry cat foods, so it throws it up soon after eating. Cats are carnivors and need meat in their diets. Cheap dry cat food contains hardly any meats. Cans of wet food may help if kitty will eat it, because they contain more meat products. Read labels while shopping.
  • Most cats throw up occasionally from hairballs, which is usually just liquid and hair, or sometimes because of eating too fast. But doing it all the time is bad. You don't mention whether your cat is older or young. If it's an elderly cat, often their digestive system starts to have problems with age and it involves their kidneys, liver disease, intestinal lymphoma, tumors, thyroid problems, feline heartworm, or parasites. But it's very hard on their system. It could even be from your cat having lost a tooth or two and not eating it's food correctly. Most often it's an over active thyroid and will need attention from a vet. A vet can test your cats levels and make sure. If your cat is younger and throwing up food quickly, especially if it doesn't look very well digested then I would guess it might be allergy to it's food, usually the grains in the food. Cats can't digest grains, especially grains with gluten. Try feeding a mix of wet and dry, offered in small amounts, that have no grains other than rice. No wheat, corn or soy. Wellness is an excellent cat food and it may seem expensive, but you will feed much less food and save yourself vet bills plus your cat will live longer.
  • I have the same problem with my cat and using a food without seafood helps a lot, but not all the time, if he eats too fast he will throw it up, but he never started it until he stopped eating kitten food. I would say stay away from seafood flavored food and see if that helps at all, I use sensitive systems I think by Purina but it is in a teal/blue bag. Switching food will also often upset their system so the first few days will be rough also.
  • Don't feed him anymore
  • Put your cat outside after you feed it.
  • First of all, don't put an indoor cat outside, they will either get run over or eaten by another animal. They will also catch birds and eat mice which will cause problems for the cat. There are also fleas and ticks which are big problems. As far as the throwing up, I have a cat who has also started throwing up. Some time ago, we had switched to Friskies special diet chicken and gravy because it has low ash. We have had problems with other cats dying due to kidney problems and the vet said other than their brand, switch to low ash. Now the vet gave the cat a shot to stop the throwing up and after $300 worth of tests which came back normal, the vet said the cat is probably allergic to chicken which after cking labels, is even in fish cat food. We would have to do further tests for two other diseases which I cannot afford. Now I am feeding the cats the new appetizer tuna, expensive, but in spoonfuls to see if less at a time, will help. We also bought from the vet, hills dry food that is pre-digested and should have helped, the other cats will eat it, he won't.
  • My kitten has gone to the Vet, has got his blood checked, he is absolutely fine. He eats Royal Canine Renal Formula, as his BUN was slightly high. He vomits every other day. What to do?

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