• The simple answer is hardwiring. Aesthetically I kind of like the way the muscles sometimes show through there and I like scapulae and napes and really, quite a lot of women parts.
  • That's like asking, why do birds fly? Cuz they just do. :) Ad I donno, not all men find it sexy, everyone has different tastes.
  • It shows strength, I guess. Essential for the couple's potential future children. Subconsciously, that's what it's usually about.
  • The curves look nice where the waist meets the hips - just like a nice sports car :-). Invisible +5.
  • I find it sexy too. :D Is curvy and smooth and... I dunno. It's my favorite part of my own body, I know.
  • It is the small of the back, the way it curves, very sexy!
  • You betcha!
  • it's the soft curvy line of her body, the way it moves when she walk, hell just about everything a woman does is sexy, the small of her back is just part of the whole package
  • Tell me why the ivy twines, Tell me why the stars do shine, Tell me why the sky at night's so black, And I will tell you just why I love the small of women's backs.
  • Because it's the midpoint between the breasts and hips. If a women has an hourglass figure, her waist will be small, and looking at her from behind accentuates this shape. Small waists and wide hips indicate fertility, and most of what people find physically beautiful is what shows how fertile we are and what good genes we carry. The small of the back curves, and that brings to mind the curve of the hips and the breasts. There's a reason why tattoos of f holes, like those in a violin, on the small of the back is really popular. Plus, if you can see her back, she's probably got less clothing on than she might have otherwise. Low back dresses and halter tops take advantage of letting you see a body part that's usually covered, while still covering up the serious bits, so it can seem sensual and coy at the same time. Men drool over skin that is usually hidden and they imagine what else they might be able to get a peek at.

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