• In a box, preferrably made of cardboard, but you could you know, keep them in a bookcase; not sure how well that'd go...
  • on top of each other in an organized way.
  • Packing Books Books are usually very durable and need only a box to help organize them and make moving them easier. Remember to use small boxes only! Books are very heavy and sometimes after packing when using large boxes you'll find out no one can actually move that box. ----- And long time no talk!!!
  • Books are heavy, so be sure not to put too many in one box if you are going to do the lifting.
  • Small boxes, because they are very heavy. I like to put a layer of books at the bottom of a box, and then put lighter items in to fill up the box. That makes all the boxes manageable, in terms of weight, and gets everything packed up. I also like to make notes on the outside of the box, or on a list with the boxes numbered, of exactly what is inside each box. I'm just wierd like that I guess.
  • Everyone is saying boxes, of course, but specifically, I usually get liquor boxes from the local swill mill for that. They're extremely sturdy, and best of all, free!

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