• Water is better, however Gatorade replenishes nutrients lost during heavier perspiration much faster than water does. Not sure either does anything directly for energy. Though you’ll feel better through out the day with either.
  • Water is your first step. Water is not enough however. On workouts longer than an hour, You need easily consumed fuel to keep your muscles working. We are talking about any one of a bunch of sprt drinks available today. Consider this, the muscle in your body runs on glucose. Glucose is a simple suger you body makes from everything you eat. It is the only thing the bodies cells can eat. With that said, every paqrt of your body needs to be in a chemical "balance". You might have heard the term electrolights. These little bugger are important. Most newer drink have all the stuff in them to keep your body balance and topped off. I do not recomend drinks full of sugar, refined sugar specifically. Look at the label and check for carbohydrates and the percentage of carbs that come from sugar. The less the better. Gatorade is an old school drink. These drinks do not need to be expensive they just need to have enough fuel and electrolights to keep your body from shuting down. I went ahead and did a soimple search on the web. This link will give you a page containing a short list of product and their carb counts. Use this list only as a list when you shop. You need more info than this list offer. Good luck!

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