• Monoatomic Gold is the non-metallic, non-toxic zero-valence form of Gold. Monoatomic Gold is a high temperature superconductor[1]. It can be manufactured alchemically out of 24carat metallic gold. It also occurs naturally in volcanic soils, seawater and in minute amounts in the purple or violet skins of fruits and vegetables and some medicinal plants such as red grapes, eggplant and violets. In recent years, some researchers have erroneously equated monoatomic gold with the Philosopher’s stone[2], which it definitely is not: Monoatomic gold was known and used in the Pharmacopoeia of Western Medieval Alchemy as ‘the retrograded calx of Gold that cannot be revivified’ [meaning it cannot be returned to the metallic state by conventional metallurgical processes][3]. Monoatomic Gold is known and used in Ayurveda as a bhasma of Gold that passes the test of apunarbhavatva or ‘test of non-revivability’[4]. Monoatomic Gold is not known to contemporary Western allopathic medicine and must not be confused with the gold salts that are used in allopathic medicine, which exhibit metal toxicity. Monoatomic gold is not to be confused with colloidal gold either, which retains its metallic nature. Monoatomic gold can appear in several colors; it is usually known as a white powder, but when treated with oxidizing acids, it becomes a purple powder, and is green in alkaline solutions.
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