Neither I do notdrink water at all.
Water from the filter on my fridge.
Well through a Brita yo...
Filtered. Bottled is *way* overrated.
Tap water does it for me!
Ice cold bottled water for me.
I would do tap but its rather toxic where I live (and probably where most of you live) and tastes like it so I have a little brita filter that makes it taste like water.
Neither just good clean well water
brita filter
Brita..better for the environment :o)
Brita. With bottled water, I'm paying mostly for a container that will only be used once, as well as the fuel required to truck around all that heavy water.
Brita pitcher with a filter. Lots cheaper than buying bottled water all the time.
NEITHER. Ecoloblue Water is the #1 best.
Neither the town I am from bottles the water and sends it around the world. It is pure all by itself. We can drink it right out of the spring if we choose. +5
I think Brita water is kinda nasty and so is some bottled water. I like tap water alright but it depends on the town. Also nothing beats pure spring water. When I played baseball in college there was this little shack behind the left field wall and it had a spring in the bottom. Just this big metal tube with water constantly gushing out of it. It was so fresh and cold and delicous. The best water I've ever had.
If you didn't know bottled is an extremely environmentally unfriendly product-actually the packaging is.
I like the filtered water that comes out of my fridge. I use bottled water when I am going to be in the car a while, but I just bought one of them there aluminum water bottles, so I will probably just be filling that up from now on, instead.
Brita is best! :) Evian Spelled Backward is Naive
tap water in a clean glass
Tap water from my well.
Filtered water.
My town water is pretty safe. They monitor and test samples routinely. However, for drinking I use Brita filtered water. Brita filter was a gift, so I might as well use it.
Brita all the way
I live in Vegas where the water is just awful.It seems like most people here get bottled water. We have a filter system with 3 lg cartridges and a reverse osmosis filter. Comes out just fine and tasty.
bottled water for me. designer water basically. i havent tried Brita.
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