• Theres stuff called Bio Oil its for scars and skin imperfections it worked wonders on my scar and my sister inlaw had acne scars and it made a big difference to her
  • There are a number of ways to deal with acne scars. Get to know the type of acne scar you have and choose the type of treatment most appropriate for it. You have the choice to choose over surgical treatments and home remedies. Following are some of the home remedies you can try to get rid of acne scar. 1) Make a paste of sandalwood powder and rose water. Apply it on the scarred area and leave it for an hour or so. If possible leave it overnight and wash it with water. 2) To lighten the color of the scar, you can apply the juice of lemon. Dab some cotton in lemon juice and apply it on the scar. Leave it on for about 10 minutes and wash it off. Apply a sun block cream or lotion to protect it from sunlight.

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