• here's their site registration info from "Registrant: caohui +852.21913683 OWN GROUP LIMITED Room 3, 21/F., Far East Consortium Building, 121 Des Voeux R HONG KONG,HONG KONG,CN 00000 Domain Record last updated at 2009-04-07 18:57:12 Record created on 2008/3/28 Record expired on 2011/3/28 Domain servers: Admin Contactor:: Name-- caohui EMail-: ( tel --: +852.21913683 org: OWN GROUP LIMITED Room 3, 21/F., Far East Consortium Building, 121 Des Voeux R HONG KONG,HONG KONG,CN 00000 Technical Contactor:: Name-- caohui EMail-: ( tel --: +852.21913683 org: OWN GROUP LIMITED Room 3, 21/F., Far East Consortium Building, 121 Des Voeux R HONG KONG,HONG KONG,CN 00000 Billing Contactor:: Name-- caohui EMail-: ( tel --: +852.21913683 org: OWN GROUP LIMITED Room 3, 21/F., Far East Consortium Building, 121 Des Voeux R HONG KONG,HONG KONG,CN 00000 Registry Status: ok" Where are they drop-shipping from? Hong-Kong? Wouldn't that make the shipping costs exorbitant? They say they've been in the online shipping business since their inception in 2005. But their website is only a year old? I couldn't find any complaints, but nor could I find any positive reviews. Strange for a company that's been in business online for four years. I would be VERY leary. You may not have to pay them with YOUR money, but you will with your customers'. What happens in 4-6 weeks (or sooner, if promised) when/if your customer doesn't receive the promised item? IF they are scammers, YOU won't be able to contact them, and will have to give your customer back HIS money from YOUR pocket.

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