• 4 to 6 mpg
  • 4mpg is usual 6 is on a good day.
  • 8mpg when I'm on time. 4mpg when I'm behind schedule.
  • Depending on the weight,weather,speed ur traveling,terrane,and engine size,it could be from 4 mpg to 8 mpg !! 8 being very hard to do !! Bob tailing maybe !!
  • Depends on the area you travel. If it is flat ground or hilly. Plus the weather can even make a big difference it the mileage you get. Most that I've driven get about 4 to 7 miles per gallon...........M.C.S.
  • convert this . In south africa between 1.8 and 2.5 kilometers per litre depending engine size and road conditions
  • I get 6.5 all day long.
  • I'd say between 4.5 and 7.5 mpg. the new engines with the egr systems on them keep drivng the mpg down, bad for the industry. it depends alot on how the driver of the truck drives, keep his foot out of the pedal, of course it'll be higher, also depends on how heavy the load, there are quite a few factors, but 5.5 is average. cost to fill one up, again depends on the fuel tank size and fuel cost, of course, about $3.50 per gal. of diesel fuel most trucks carry about 300 gallons so about $1000 if completely empty. OUCH
  • it all depends on the motor and the truck and what your haulin
  • My truck gets around 6 and at todays fuel price thats 42 to 45 cents per mile.Fill ups are over 500 dollars
  • I drive an older model and suprisingly it gets 23-25 mpg. I only have to fill up about once every 2 or 3 weeks.

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