• Here are a few general things to keep in mind:
    • Be polite
    • Take your time and think it through
    • Good spelling and grammar help a lot!
    • Do not curse
    • Don't use all capital letters - people will think you're "yelling"
    • If it helps illustrate your point, include an image or a video
    • Don't just say "I don't know" or "If you do a search, you can find the answer" - It just isn't a very helpful answer, and oftentimes people are asking here because they've already tried to use a search engine and still couldn't find what they wanted.
    • Cite your sources - people are more likely to believe you if you can back up what you say. The best way to cite a source is to paste the link right into your answer
    • When giving a link to a page with the answer, also provide a summary the answer. This way, if the site you're linking to goes down, people on Answerbag will still get a good answer, not just a broken link
    • Stick to the facts - if you can cite specific facts, events, or your experience, your answer will appear more authoritative
    • Do not belittle the questioner. Everyone deserves an answer!
    Be sure to look around at other good answers on Answerbag, and you'll get an idea pretty quickly of what people like to see in an answer, and what they don't!
  • your answer should concise, easily read, do not add personal feelings to an answer and all questions are important to the person that ask them.
  • When You Ask Choose your forum carefully Be sensitive in choosing where you ask your question. You are likely to be ignored, or written off as a loser, if you: post your question to a forum where it's off topic post a very elementary question to a forum where advanced technical questions are expected, or vice-versa cross-post to too many different newsgroups post a personal e-mail to somebody who is neither an acquaintance of yours nor personally responsible for solving your problem Hackers blow off questions that are inappropriately targeted in order to try to protect their communications channels from being drowned in irrelevance. You don't want this to happen to you. The first step, therefore, is to find the right forum. Again, Google and other Web-searching methods are your friend. Use them to find the project webpage most closely associated with the hardware or software giving you difficulties. Usually it will have links to a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) list, and to project mailing lists and their archives. These mailing lists are the final places to go for help, if your own efforts (including reading those FAQs you found) do not find you a solution. The project page may also describe a bug-reporting procedure, or have a link to one; if so, follow it. Shooting off an e-mail to a person or forum which you are not familiar with is risky at best. For example, do not assume that the author of an informative webpage wants to be your free consultant. Do not make optimistic guesses about whether your question will be welcome — if you're unsure, send it elsewhere, or refrain from sending it at all. When selecting a Web forum, newsgroup or mailing list, don't trust the name by itself too far; look for a FAQ or charter to verify your question is on-topic. Read some of the back traffic before posting so you'll get a feel for how things are done there. In fact, it's a very good idea to do a keyword search for words relating to your problem on the newsgroup or mailing list archives before you post. It may find you an answer, and if not it will help you formulate a better question. Don't shotgun-blast all the available help channels at once, that's like yelling and irritates people. Step through them. Know what your topic is! One of the classic mistakes is asking questions about the Unix or Windows programming interface in a forum devoted to a language or library or tool portable across both. If you don't understand why this is a blunder, you'd be best off not asking any questions at all until you get it. In general, questions to a well-selected public forum are more likely to get useful answers than equivalent questions to a private one. There are multiple reasons for this. One is simply the size of the pool of potential respondents. Another is the size of the audience; hackers would rather answer questions that educate many people than questions serving only a few. Understandably, skilled hackers and authors of popular software are already receiving more than their fair share of mis-targeted messages. By adding to the flood, you could in extreme cases even be the straw that breaks the camel's back — quite a few times, contributors to popular projects have withdrawn their support because collateral damage in the form of useless e-mail traffic to their personal accounts became unbearable.
  • get more information about the subject do a ruff work how you will put your answers like and read it again again when you know its just might do tell someone to read it for you so that they can tell you what you have done wrong. write it from your heart and use yr mind well..
  • Make sure you get your answer across, and answer the whole question. Don't use abreviations, example, "u" for the word "you". Don't curse, and be polite, make sure your spelling and grammar is correct. Follow all these rules and you should have a great answer.
  • By being clear and providing facts or resource or personal experience that illustrates your answer. I take almost all answers with much sincereity, however, I must admit that some questions are out of line and just do not deserve other than a humurous or snap answer...since the asking is that way.
  • Don't use slang. Good Grammar
  • You should always say what you think is that best but not too perfect. Use the best grammar the you have and everything will be fine, mostly that is.
  • Brief and to the point!!
  • be up front honest in what you say and belive .do not judge others, picture your self in that situaton before you exespress your self
  • To write the good answer read the question carefuly and you should understand that what is the question is related with then go throughly
  • Honesty and sincerity are essential. Answers can be informational or persuasive. Informational answers should present facts or opinions based on fact. Be specific. Explaining WHY something is true or useful will help readers remember and apply the information. Perusasive answers can also be good. It helps to truly believe that your position is helpful. Before publishing, it's good to ask "Why do i believe this? What is my evidence? Will my response really help others?" Letting go of ego serves everyone. Respectful disagreement aids the investigative process. Try to neither give nor take offense. Controversial answers can also be useful. This is especially true if the intent is not to cause controversy, but to explore a different or unpopular aspect of a common question. Try to build up and not tear down. Question others' opinions, but allow them the dignity of keeping them. After all, the site isn't called Punchingbag. Know when to be serious and when to use humor. Both have their place.
  • Just want to give something to help people in craftwork
  • There is a little box that tells you , when asking a question and you can click on that and learn a lot . Make sure you ask a question that is to the point and not danced around to where we answerbaggers have to read between the lines of your question
  • Think about it for ttwo minutes or so then decide what you want to say but remember think and say about what the topic is or else less points no goal acheived.... Do you want that? I dont think so, so yeah! :P See you guys later!!!
  • I have put many of starts in! How can I help?
  • put some thought into it.
  • I would like to receive a new home built to my specifications on a two acre lot in an area selected by me near to a town also selected by me with all attached facilities underground and inspected by State certified inspectors to ensure that water flow from rainfall is away from house and no other homes can be built near enough to my home to divert that flow. This is a general description of home and location. Energy efficient devices will be incorporated in the design in order to protect the home as necessary. A propane generator will be incorporated as a backup to loss of electric power and a Trane filter will be included to assure air purification inside the rooms inside the house and an attic ceiling fan will be installed in the roof to aid ventilation and cooling with a heavy duty Airconditioner. A two car Garage will be attached to the house with an outside door to exit and an inside door added into the kitchen pantry and laundry room. A 60 gallon Waterheater will be placed in back outside corner of the garage nearest to the Laundryroom.
  • Remember, there are no stupid answers if you are convinced it is right
  • I think they want to know what different way's things are done,or how other people feel and especially if they had an experiment with the question thoughts....I enjoy telling people the facts especially if I've gone through the same ordeal.
  • this is how you write a good anwer you dont write bad things about others and you know the rest.
  • Neither of us are children about these things, every one has his own way, but like they say: "the way of fool is right on his own eyes, but a wise man listen to advise", thank you very much about this question an I really recommand your answer as an idol one.I will recognize it while I writing down my answers.your greatest utility to me has been very usefull
  • to me a good answer would just be a honest and to the best of your ability one. if it helps the person asking the question then you did your job. lol
  • Make sure to congratulate someone and mention how decent this site is and all the people using it. Make sure to overelaborate. Make sure to be pro-guns, but anti-abortion. Etc.
  • Don't answer unless you sincerely believe that your experience, training or education gives you the credibility to do so.
  • Yes, I definitely think this has alot to do with it. Water used to replace displaced oil is not the same viscosity as oil.Eg.: I wouldn't use water to ease my engines heat and wear and tear. It is a known fact that tectonic plates move and the world shifts slightly.I would think that water is not a good substitue for injecting into the oil well as the oil rises to the top.
  • Do exactly the opposite of me.
  • Type with respect and speak with respect
  • If you want to give a lengthy answer go ahead but i like it if there's a paragraph summary at the top.
  • Putting a little bit of thought into it. Providing some useful information. Using google to get better information.
  • Try sitting on the floor in front of a couch/chair and slowly bend backwards. Doing this off and on usually helps.
  • Show a link. Show some information from the website that is your source and give credit to the source.
  • I personally , when asking for information or review about something would not like it if someone answers with just a link to a web page . At least a brief explanation or comment about the resource the answerer is providing would be helpful . There have been times when for an answer I have received a link to a search engine results with the object of my question . Now that is the last thing one should do .
  • There's not really a good answer. I think as long as it comes from your heart, then it will be the right answer.
  • Be polite and make sure you have it in your head before you answer it. Make sure that your words make sense and your answer is complete.
  • perhaps inject some humour should the qestion allow and make sure you get yor spillinks correct
  • Say what you feel, not what you think people want to hear, then brace yourself for the blowback. No worries, you can take it if you know you were true to your heart.
  • Think about what you are saying before you type it, and watch your spelling and grammar.
  • think about how they feel
  • anser to the best of your knolidge
  • Don't provoke any untoward incidents in the pages that you give answers also and try to be specific and short as much as possible to avoid the asking party from loosing interest in your answer. Make every answer very relevant and straightforward but polite and courteous.
  • Try to be friendly in whatever you say.If you don't know the answer don't answer.So first read question carefully.Don't abuse anyone or the person asking in your question.Be as detailed as possible.
  • With honesty and to the best of your ability... If you don't know about a subject don't give bunk advice!!
  • By avoiding made-up words like "adviceful." Try to put yourself in the asker's shoes, and determine what type of answer you'd like to receive if you were them.
  • Hi, a friend of mine just turned me on to PigglyWiggly. There you can get 5 packs of meat for 19.99. This even includes family packs and all kinds of meat (breakfast, sandwich, and dinner meats}. PigglyWiggly is only good for this and maybe some fruits and veggies, but everything else is sky high. Then Kroger is good for their 10 for 10.00 on canned veggies. I hope this helps. This is a good answer to the wrong question. SORRY.
  • the least and most impressive.
  • k got a question what if they took the answer and just pasted it from another source without any reference is that allowed???
  • take note:AB-joel #1 answer,very good choice of words. we on the answerbag should keep in mind what he wrote and try to remember to use that very good advice that he has given us. be polite and don't use bad words.
  • Be yourself and if you still need help, go here yo...
  • Go here yo...
  • no i have not
  • Those are really good ideas! Thanks for letting us know this! Its very thoughtful of you!
  • Try to be wise without being wise.
  • Try to be wise without offending nationality, religion or race. Keep in mind that we are all human beings. The Golden Rule.
  • Your comments are very helpful to the new joiners like me . :)
  • a-g-o-o-d-a-n-s-w-e-r
  • Here are a few general things to keep in mind: Be polite Take your time and think it through Good spelling and grammar help a lot! Do not curse Don't use all capital letters - people will think you're "yelling" If it helps illustrate your point, include an image or a video Don't just say "I don't know" or "If you do a search, you can find the answer" - It just isn't a very helpful answer, and oftentimes people are asking here because they've already tried to use a search engine and still couldn't find what they wanted. Cite your sources - people are more likely to believe you if you can back up what you say. The best way to cite a source is to paste the link right into your answer When giving a link to a page with the answer, also provide a summary the answer. This way, if the site you're linking to goes down, people on Answerbag will still get a good answer, not just a broken link Stick to the facts - if you can cite specific facts, events, or your experience, your answer will appear more authoritative Do not belittle the questioner. Everyone deserves an answer! Be sure to look around at other good answers on Answerbag, and you'll get an idea pretty quickly of what people like to see in an answer, and what they don't!
  • Well, be polite, re-read your questions, apply the person's name not it. Use good grammar, because everyone wants to read your answer! Don't use i don't know or just put a one letterd answer like "no" "youtube" "don't know" or anything like that. give sites (direct sites are best) to show the person where you got this information. If you do not like the question then don't bother answering because you might badly hurt someone. But most importantly, don't answer your OWN question.
  • Be kind and be honest and try to be helpful and use good grammar and don't say mean things that might hurt the person
  • 1) In short, a good answer is one that is relevant to the question, well researched and easy to read and understand. 2) I adapted the general tips of AB-Joel about "How do I write a good question?" (I put in square brackets some parts that I have modified for answers, see also the discussion in the next point) "General tips: - Be polite - Don't type in all-caps - Try to sound objective - Read your [answer] twice to make sure it means what you think it means - Don't [answer by speaking] about your company or service - [Answers] should be clear, concise, and should [provide] a specific response or piece of information. Important: we may already have your answer! " Source and further information: 3) In AB-Joel general rules about questions, the following items should be modified for answers: - Keep it short; Usually a shorter [answer] gets better [appreciated] - if your [answer] is long or has too much personal detail, other people won't want to read it, or they'll get confused by the irrelevant details. >>> My opinion: if you write a long answer, a short summary at the top should be given. But you don't need to keep you answer short! Answerbag allows you to write long answers. Users who want to get more information will be able to read it. If you quote some sources, it makes also sense to quote the most important parts in your answer. After some months people reading your answer will still be able to find it, even if the source has disappeared. But, of course, always give the link to the used source!!! - Avoid [giving answers that apply] to only one person (this is not a chat room!) >>> My opinion: if the asker is asking for help, give them help! This help could be further elaborated inside a discussion in the comment thread. IMPORTANT: "we may already have your answer!". If the question has already been asked, you don't need to answer it; you can either: - flag the question as a duplicate (in this case, check that the original question has already received a useful answer) - give as answer a link to the original question (or one of its answers) ------- MODIFIED (added AB-specific answer at the top. The original answer follows) ----- This text was given on a forum for technical information. The situation on Answerbag is somewhat different, but some of those tips could still be helpful: "How To Answer Questions in a Helpful Way Be gentle. Problem-related stress can make people seem rude or stupid even when they're not. Reply to a first offender off-line. There is no need of public humiliation for someone who may have made an honest mistake. A real newbie may not know how to search archives or where the FAQ is stored or posted. If you don't know for sure, say so! A wrong but authoritative-sounding answer is worse than none at all. Don't point anyone down a wrong path simply because it's fun to sound like an expert. Be humble and honest; set a good example for both the querent and your peers. If you can't help, don't hinder. Don't make jokes about procedures that could trash the user's setup — the poor sap might interpret these as instructions. Ask probing questions to elicit more details. If you're good at this, the querent will learn something — and so might you. Try to turn the bad question into a good one; remember we were all newbies once. While muttering RTFM is sometimes justified when replying to someone who is just a lazy slob, a pointer to documentation (even if it's just a suggestion to google for a key phrase) is better. If you're going to answer the question at all, give good value. Don't suggest kludgy workarounds when somebody is using the wrong tool or approach. Suggest good tools. Reframe the question. Help your community learn from the question. When you field a good question, ask yourself “How would the relevant documentation or FAQ have to change so that nobody has to answer this again?” Then send a patch to the document maintainer. If you did research to answer the question, demonstrate your skills rather than writing as though you pulled the answer out of your butt. Answering one good question is like feeding a hungry person one meal, but teaching them research skills by example is showing them how to grow food for a lifetime." Source and further information:
  • If you write your answers the same way you write your questions, you'll be fine!
  • thanks :)
  • helpful.
  • Make a completely unexpected joke, OOOOOOR actually provide an informative answer. I always err on the joking side.
  • - understand the question and analyze it before giving an answer. - when you think of possible answers, start with best suiting answer that rhymes with the context of the question. - BE POLITE.
  • Always be polite. Make sure that you have the facts correct. Smile.
  • [img][/img]
  • I do not have the time to read all the answers, of those I have no one has said: The most intelligent people will never be detected by an IQ test - they would not be so stupid as to let the world know how clever they are. Mensa Morons? A Pleb
  • &lt;a href="" target="_top">Just Google It!</a>
  • Keep it short.
  • The best answer a person can give is the answer that comes from the heart. An answer from the heart is always true, justified and fair
  • Be brief,concise, simple and upto the point. Give illustrations,and follow punctuations, and proper grammar. Foolow good handwriting and underline the important points. Better number the points.
  • some new shoes
  • When my fiat punto sometimes leaks water from engine then stops and then donesnt do it for days and then does it again why is this and what does it mean
  • You can post answers after you receive the confirmation on your e-mail registration. It might take a few days.
  • be honest, have a sence of humor, and do not take things personal.
  • Nice answers!
  • Don't say I don't know because if you didn't post, I think it's pretty obvious that you don't know and it's not worth taking the time (or someone else's time) to do that. Answer a question you know the answer to, okay?
  • 1) no sage 2) don't talk about politics, religion, social issues, race, or anything else that offends anybody 3) if your reply begins with, "hai guyz", you're doing it wrong
  • bla bla bla heres the key :)
  • don't say something if you can't back it up with information. try to stay away from opinions. The media gives us enough opinions. If you can't keep your cool and you resort to personal attacks then it is a clear sign that you don't know what you are talking about. Be humble! no you do not know everything there is to know about the whole world and you can learn from anything and everyone. Moral and spiritual issues are important but this isn't a place to be shoving them down other peoples throats. (go back to the facts) Try to use good grammar if you can. remember your please and thank you. And don't make things up
  • by using your MIND
  • The Key thing is as said before, don't take things personal, and understand that some questions are intentionally controversial to get a response and make people think!
  • Be sincere - not easy to do wrong is you stick to that.
  • By not writing a bad one
  • just see mine
  • By thinking right!
  • i just can't figure that... are you asking or answering?! either ways i like that :)
  • Christian's should not deal with horoscopes, as childrens of God we should not be involved in witchcraft. Some scripture reference. Exodus 22:18 Deuteronomy 18:9-14 I Samuel 28:3-9 Galatians 5:20 Acts 19:18-19 Revelation 19
  • I think xenator Barak obama will be next president.
  • Be polite,Take your time and think it through,correct spelling and correct grammar
  • tell the truth
  • Rules are nice. They are necessary and should be respected. However, a lot of these questions invite conversational replies, and do not necessarily fit into so tight a box. If someone wants computer advice, they don't want some flip reply. But when people are asking for simple opinions, its fun to see people respond any way they wish to. The last thing I am concerned about is cluttering up the page. One man's clutter is another's treasure.
  • hey i got a queston. i own a 1994 ford probe and when ever it startes the belt sqeekes and thire oil leaking from the car and every thing ,well its my first car should i keep it or sell it for money and look for another car ?
  • Make sense
  • do it right
  • Become 'copy & Paste' master!

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