• To put it in very simple terms, the space-time continuum is our universe. When most people think of dimensions, they only think in terms of spacial dimensions (up-down, right-left, forward-backward). These are the dimensions through which we have a certain limited amount of control over our movement. However, there is another dimension through which we have no control of our movement, time. Excluding relativistic effects, time just keeps moving forward. We can't slow, stop, or reverse it, but it is something with which we must deal. Whenever we describe an object's place in the universe, there is a time factor involved as well as a spacial location. For example, if I give some one my address, that assumes that I am living at that address right now. It's not the same address at which I was living just a year ago. So, space and time are both parts of our universe. However, since most people tend not to think about time in this context, the term space-time continuum was coined as a means of emphasizing times importance.
  • The Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene, the time-space continuum is a time/space loaf. If you sliced a cross-section in the loaf, perpendicular to time's flow, you have a sampling of everything that is happening in the universe at this moment. You are watching tv, and an alien is 5 galaxies away is watching tv. However, if the alien gets up to cross the room to grab the tv remote, his velocity has changed the time/space slice diagonally. And now he shares the present moment relative to our space with Abraham Lincoln. That is a cross-reference index of that comparitve distance (5 galaxies apart) with that relative velocity (5 mph walking over to get the remote control). So the speed of a slow stroll amplifies outward to huge differences when comparing vast distances in the time/space continuum. Since the universe is vast and everything is in motion, you can see how the concept of time gets a little mooshy. Nevertheless, this is how I picture the time/space continuum.
  • your mom
  • I had a hard time with this concept until I could relate it to a show called "Quantum Leap" from the 80's. Sam, the lead charactor,moves from time to time (what we know as time to be; a decade, century, etc) however he is still just living HIS life...his personna is different as he moves into different "times" & he has different lessons & struggles to deal with in each of these. He is aided by "Al" (HIS guide: what we would call Angels guiding us here & now) who has more information about why Sam came into a given time. Al helps Sam navigate his way thru his experiences ....the same for us now - we are in this "time" (say 20-21 century)...when we physically die our next "leap" will be in a time in the future. Our experiences move forward (in time)...however we can view past-times we have is (like for Sam) part of our evolvement. I hope this helps! :)
  • The universe has always weighed the same but its mass has changed. When the big bang occured the centre of everything expanded in an instant and still continues to do so. The fabric of space is notindestructable and as the universe expands so it rips at the seams to facilitate the evergrowing expanding volume. Black hole start to appear as the space used to facilitate increases. Eventually these black holes will inhabit more than the mass that created them and like an elastic all known things will go into rerverse and spiral back to their centre mass becoming again minute having become compressed infitley by the black holes in an awesome implosion which will reset creation to start over and over again. The time frame for this is not calculated but is definite.
  • The answers given are correct but a little long. Simply put, the space-time continuum is everything on either side of now.
  • A very simple definition: space and time considered together as one entity. Mathematically: Einstein's field equation. For simplicity's sake, this thesis uses the following definition for space/time continuum: The space/time continuum is a collection of parametric specifications that attempt to define is. The specifications can be as single values and thus define a specific point in space/time, or they can be continuous and define an entire entity.
  • time and space is your perception of the dimension of which you exist.
  • koliko je za sada poznato, objekat ima tri dimenzije X,Y i Z cetvrta dimenzija je vreme T, do sada se smatralo da je vreme linearno. Ustvari T ima tri dimezije Tx , Ty i Tz, ako bi uspeli da tacno odredimo vremenske kordinate i "povezemo" ih sa X Y i Z bilo bi moguce "skakati " od tacke A do tacke B jednostavnim krivljenjem jedne od T dimezija sto bi dovelo do promena u X Y i Z . Tj. menjanje prostornih kordinata koje nisu vezane za vremenske kordinate.
  • i'd have to agree with glenn longitude, latitude, elevation, & time
  • ok forget einstein and all the other scientists, its like this...image the whole universe has been written and all things are already in place. just like the first moving pictures the universe works like this. except our essences are moving through these photos, they are stationary in this dimension. there is the minutest gap between each photo. we continue through as each photo changes its movement. we come to the end of our slotted time, we move on toward the next set of photos and another life. There are moments however when there is a descison to be made where we will continue on through a different tangient of photos.You may ask who created this reality, the answer is we did. Our minds all of us are on a journey through the true reality to settle somwhere, and this reality we now experience is just a way of suffering from boredom on our journey. Can any out there in the universe understand this idea

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