• It is a very mellow song with vague references to drug use, although these allusions are disputed by some critics. "Mary" is a reference to marijuana. “And then along comes Mary And does she want to give me kicks, and be my steady chick And give me pick of memories Or maybe rather gather tales from all the fails and tribulations No one ever sees”,
  • I took it to be about a girl, and how she filled a hole in his life, but I can see how it might be about "Mary Jane".
  • G'day Yohoho05, Thank you for your question. Along Comes Mary was written by Tandyn Almer and originally a top 10 hit for The Association in 1966. The Association couldn't get a contract with a major label so signed with Valiant Records with the song being their first release. There are some claims that it is about drug use but this is disputed. The group was not allowed to play it at Disneyland because of this belief. Other artists such as the Manhattan Transfer have covered it. The Bloodhound Gang had a top 10 hit in Germany in 1999 with their version. I have attached sources for your reference. Regards Wikipedia Along Comes Mary Songfacts Along Comes Mary
  • Along comes Mary is most definately about the role of Mary the Mother of Jesus The Christ. Not only does it describe the life altering affect she has on mortals by way of numerous earth appearances & various apparition sites over hundreds of years, but you hear proof of this as the last verse refers to The Warning which has been predicted numerous times over the many years ("and when the morning of The Warning's passed the gassed & flacid kids are flung across the stars." and then..."& does she want to see the stains, the dead remains of all the things she caused the night before." also..."Oh will their waking eyes reflect their lies & make them realize their urgent cry for sight no more?") The Warning comes a year before The Miracle In The Sky & is predicted to come on a Thursday night @ 8:30 on the anniversary of an unnamed martyr. During a 10 minute period everything will stop; literally while God our Father opens our eyes & shows us how we offend Him Who loves us so much. This will change life as we knew it up to that point & hopefully we'll submit our selfish wills for His Divine Will, by surrending ourselves to God & to the service of others who need our help. Search The Warning on your toolbar. Anyway, this is the meaning of the song. Now, listen to the words now that your lyrical eyes have been opened.{{
  • It was about pot...if you were there and lived you'd know.....Now my empty cup is as sweet as the punch.,..ask the author
  • It means your bud pulled through with some kind bud.
  • a empty cup has no taste, thus refering it to the taste of the 'punch' it says that the hit, or punch, has no taste and the''sweet punch'' refers to the pleasent high with a bitter taste
  • scarcasticly saying that the ''sweet punch'' tastes like ch it.
  • One of my favorite tunes, really brings me back .. I'm pretty sure they were implying a little puff of herb.
  • The song is about hooking up with an easy girl in the neighborhood and then getting a backroom abortion possible by punching the girl in the stomach. The first verse is about the hook up The last verse is about the abortion and left over remains. "and when the morning of the warning's passed the gassed & flacid kids are flung across the stars, the songs are hung upon the scars does she want to see the stains, the dead remains of all the pains she left the night before? and do their waking eyes reflect the lies and urgent cries for sight no more?" empty cup (empty womb) is much sweeter than the punch.
  • The song is about hooking up with an easy girl in the neighborhood and then getting a backroom abortion possible by punching the girl in the stomach. Look at the lyrics.
  • Well, to me, it was sort of my song, and it was such a good tune, great at parties, But in reality its probably a bit to do with MaryJane, not Mary Margaret.

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