• Hi again, I believe that I just answered your question about the headlights on your S-10 vehicle. The first thing I would do is go to the AutoZone and pick up a Hayes, or Chilton's Manual for your vehicle, as it sounds as if you plan to keep this vehicle, as well as try and do some mechanics on it as well. Brakes are not something one just wants to wing it when repairing them, or even just changing pads. Disc brakes are usually quite simple, but they differ from model to model, especially on truck vehicles with all the different weight versions, as well as drivelines making differences on important things to note, such as 4X4 or not, ABS or not, specific tollerances, specific adjustments, and ultimately important torque wrenching values. Now, if I were you, I'd just go ahead and make the small investment for a manual, as it is far less detrimental to ya than doing something by anothers words, and then having a brake failure cause a crash, injury or worse, due to a missunderstanding, or from any possible incorrect information. Be well, and peace!

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