• NO but i would get him a really pretty tutor and hope that that gives him the anitiative to learn. Or i would see if i could get him into some easier clases.
  • I think he certainly needs some sort of specialized attention to get thru this.
  • It all depends on the situation at hand, if he's a slow learner maybe he just needs extra help, but if he's not bothered with putting in effort give him the concequenses (I dunno if I spelt that right) if he doesnt put in the effort, it usually opens their eyes to all the good and bad things that could happen. That's what my sister and mam did for me :)
  • It depends on his motivation If he cares and wants to learn but has trouble, get a tutor or other help If he is just simply unmotivated and hates school, there is little to do as more school will just make him miserable
  • has he been tested with a learning disability?
  • he may have a learning disbility

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