• The expression as written is unclear. Parentheses are missing. Are you multiplying by 1? sin (pi/6) = sin(30 deg) = 1/2 Hope that helps.
  • cos^-1(sin(x)) How to do this for ALL values of x: x is an angle in a right triangle. We are given the sin of x = "opposite/hypotenuse" But if we look at the other angle, y, then for that angle, the same ratio is the "adjacent/hypotenuse" which is the cosine. So the sine of one of the angles in a right triangle, is the cosine of the other angle, and vice versa. And in a right triangle these add to 90 degrees or pi/2 radians. So cos^-1(sin(x)) is the same as sin^-1(cos(x)) is the same as (pi/2 - x) radians or (90 - x) degrees.

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