• I don't really know what's happening, but here's what I'd recommend. Make sure you're warmed up before you sing. Do some scales or similar exercises. Also, drink lots of water.
  • This used to happen to me whenever I sang. I later found out it was because I was using my "head" voice too often and too forcefully. You might be either using your throat to sing, which places pressure on your nasal and oral cavaties, causing the headaches, or you might just be breathing wrong. Whichever it is, once you perfect the art of stomach breathing, you'll feel less tired after singing, you won't get anymore headaches and you'll be able to hit those notes better. Hope I was of some help.
  • A male student of mine had the same problem for a while when singing in his top register (or rather, after he STOPPED singing in top) - he seemed to think that it was the resonance in his head irritating his sinuses, and while this may have played a part on it, I also noticed that while he sang in top register the veins in his throat would expand, suggesting that tension in his shoulders & through his neck was causing him to constrict the flow of blood to his brain - and as a result when he relaxed & the blood flow was suddenly free, the force of the full flow through the blood vessels in his head caused the headaches (very similar to migraine). A few sessions of acupuncture to get over the tension & use of some relaxing essential oils later, the problem vanished.
  • I got the same problem. I get headaches, everytime I try to sing very loud and high notes, like some of Bon Jovi, Whitesnake and Skid Row. I do sing the notes , they sound ok, but it hurts. I believe that my veins expand, maybe there is a tension, but I don't know any other way. Then I lose stamina for a while. Singing high notes like that, powerful, bit of screaming.. what kind of breathing does it requires? This is the only problem I have while sing.

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