• Rush's name is proper...a rush of air!
  • Any media that doesn't agree with Rush's wacky and extreme views are "drive by's". Rush's show isn't superior to any other show. He only has a lot of listeners because he's been spewing venom behind the mic for 20 years, and radio programs with rational views aren't available in most of the country...
  • "Rush Limbaugh's term for the sensational, scandal-seeking, and agenda-driven coverage that is typical of the national press corps in America. Limbaugh draws an analogy between the media who cover a story with a barrage of unfair cheap shots before moving on to the next flavor of the month and an inner city gang that drives by and sprays a target with gunfire and then moves on to their next target." A prime example of this would be the coverage of the incident in Haditha, Iraq. The media accused the Marines involved of murder. They trumpeted the accusations all over the place and defamed these men in an attempt to force a pull out from Iraq and to say that our forces were out of control there. However, they almost completely ignored the story as each and every one of the accused Marines was exonerated. As they chose instead to trumpet whatever was the then story du jour.

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