• I don't know exactly why evolution has chosen to favour squirrels with big fluffy tails but an interesting fact is the name squirrel comes from its latin name; Sciurus. The latin name however has Greek origins. It is derived from the Greek word skiouros, which means shade-tail. This is because when squirrels sit upright their long fluffy tail curls up behind them and shades them from the sun. Possibly this is also the reason they have fluffy tails, or it may be to add stability when jumping from limb to limb.
  • It acts as a balancing organ while climbing and jumping.
  • Soime squirrels have fluffier tails than other squirrels. For example, my parents lived in south carolina and the squirrels there had tails that weren't very fluffy at all. They were long and skinny with a little fluff. But, in North Carolina the squirrels have very fluffy tails. Big Bushy tails.
  • The other answers hit one of the marks on the head; stability and shade. It is also used as insulation against the cold in the winter. They wrap themselves up like a cat and curl the tail around their body.
  • The squirrel uses its tail for many things, its primary function is for balance. This enables the squirrel to maneuver quickly without falling. It is also used as a parachute, should the squirrel fall. It can act as a blanket in the Winter. Squirrels also use their tail to communicate with other squirrels or to attract predators' attention by twitching it and get them to follow away from their nest or stash of food.

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