• Different hugs for different people.
  • THE A-FRAME HUG Stand facing each other, arms wrapped around each other’s shoulders, sides of heads pressed together, bodies not touching below the shoulders. The length of time spent this way is usually brief, since this is often a “hello or good-by” hug. The A-frame hug is most appropriate for situations that require a degree of formality. Because it is relatively non-threatening it is comfortable for shy or unpracticed huggers. An A-frame hug is particularly apt for a great-aunt you haven’t seen since you were a toddler; your husband’s boss’s wife; your former academic adviser. BACK-TO-FRONT HUGS In the back-to-front hug (also known as the waist-grabber), the hugger approaches the other from the back, folds arms around his or her waist and gives a gentle hug. The waist-grabber is the perfect hug to give someone who is peeling potatoes, scrubbing pans over a kitchen sink or otherwise engaged in some stand-up chore. The feeling behind it is happy and supportive. (Even more supportive would be the back-to-front hug followed by the picking up of a dish towel and applying it to the pans.) Back-to-front hugs are for house-husbands, housewives and other live-ins; co-workers on an assembly line, & friends whose occupations require facing mostly in one direction-like raspberry pickers or mail sorters. CHEEK HUG A very tender, gentle hug - that often has a spiritual quality. It can be experienced comfortably sitting down, standing up, or even with one hugger sitting and one standing. Press the sides of your faces together, check to cheek. Breathe slowly and deeply. Within a few seconds you will feel very relaxed. The cheek hug often stirs deep feelings and kindness, especially when participants are close friends. A cheek hug is a tasteful way to greet anybody, friend or relative, who is seated. It says a wordless “I’m sorry” about a friend’s disappointment; or shares a friend’s joy at a happy occasion. HEAT-CENTERED HUG Many consider this the highest form of hugging. It begins with direct eye contact as the two huggers stand facing each other. Then they wrap arms around each other’s shoulders or back. Heads are together, and there is full body contact. The hug is firm, yet gentle, as the huggers focus on the compassion that is flowing from one heart into the other. The heart-centered hug is full and lingering, caring and tender. It acknowledges that place at the center of each of you where pure, unconditional love may be found.
  • S/O gets a big bear hug. Were facing each other and I grab him mid waste or lower and squeeze tight. I then act like Im stuck so he cant leave but it never works. )= Also S/O a big hug close to shoulders and wrap legs around hips is my youve been gone WAY TOO LONG hug.....=D <3 A family mem or friend usually gets a hugs around the shoulders and neck. A person I dont know very well gets a one armed hugs around mid torso.

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