• They are never equal while that relationship exists. Later, when the student has moved on to other things..should they find themselves somewhere, then they are equal...maybe not in talent/ability/intellect but there is no subordinate/superior at work any longer so to that extent they are peers. :)
  • In the sack. Or when each as the exact same level of knowledge so that one can't teach or learn from the other.
  • At the end of the day, the king and the pawn go into the same box. They are equal.
  • After graduation.
  • in all settings, of course.
  • My first impulse was to say...outside the classroom/school... ...but after reading others' answers, how about "when confronted by a charging bull" or "when paying for breakfast at the diner".
  • In the classroom, because they are both learning from each other. Even though the teacher gets to talk first and the student must learn from the teacher first, the teacher must in turn learn from the student in order to effectively manage classroom goals. If the teacher does not learn from students, then they cannot plan an effective curriculum, because there is no textbook that shows a teacher how to deal with human emotions and the reactions of the students to the teaching style in quick decision making.
  • When the teacher realizes that their not the only ones who have something to teach.
  • We are all teachers and we are all students, thus on the same playing field.
  • No settings as long as the teacher/student relationship exists.
  • Damn Rick, quit asking great questions!! . In all settings. Even in the classroom the student has things to teach the teacher! ;)
  • bathroom?...well, we all gotta go, don't we.
  • When teacher and student will be equal as outside the classroom they are both just people and we all put our pants on one leg at a time. Also have to pay the same price for a pie and coke.. lol :)
  • I am a teacher in some areas of life and a student in others. I often see a cross over between the two where as a teacher I am learning and as a student I am teaching. So I think the equality is in shared knowledge.
  • Always. It's backwards to think they're not.
  • In which setting are they not equal?
  • In life we're all created equal. We're all different and we are all equal. Teachers have the knowledge. Students have the potential. Both are equal.
  • Outside of class!
  • Anywhere but school.
  • Equal in what way? It depends on what you are evaluating that makes them equal.
  • There have been some good answers here and some not so good. Having been a teacher for many years, in some instances they are equal when teaching or learning. In others one or the other is above; generally the teacher is considered to be above the student. One area that is very unequal is when the school day or year is complete the teacher is not permitted to socially interact with the student; as in dating or being otherwise associated. laws and society does not recognize equality here. Should a teacher and a student desire to date or have another sexual relationship they must wait until the student graduates but even then it is frowned upon. There are VERY few acceptions to this "equal standard" here.
  • when the student is also a teacher!We can all teach other things. On the other hand there is also a point in time where you are not at the same level of experience, or knowledge as your teacher then whoever it is who is teaching you to be at a more profound level is the teacher.

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