• He might be really interested in the girl. Or, he could be doing that just to let you know that he's available and looking, testing to see how you react, without actually risking rejection. If you want to try a relationship with him, and have been getting good vibes before, I suggest making the first move.
  • He probably wants to find out more about the girl he's interested in. Women often look for deep hidden meanings when men are usually quite literal.
  • Ummm... 1) He's not interested in you (sorry) 2) He might be a total jerk.
  • I have no idea, sorry. The reasoning for such actions confuses me.
  • evidently he feels like he you wasnt feeling him if you havent showed him or else hes just interested in someone else and see you as a friend. Maybe you should let him know how you really feel so he could ease up and let you know how he also feels.

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