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  • Physically - I don't know the statistics, but it happens more frequently than people would like to admit. The real damage is emotionally, the victims are NEVER the same, and often suffer in many ways for the rest of their lives.
  • I read that about 1400 women die from domestic violence every year. Sad, huh? In comparison, about 30 men die every year from domestic violence. Death or injury from domestic violence is horrible, whether it happens to a woman or a man, period.
  • They just had a report in the local paper about his. I put up death notices on line at a memorial site and there have been lots of women getting killed from their boyfriends and husbands in the past few months in NY, it is rather shocking. Fifty-five percent of the 157 female homicide victims in New York last year were slain in domestic violence incidents, according to a state report released yesterday. One in six of the 800 homicide victims known to police in 2007 had a domestic relationship with their assailants - either as an intimate partner, child or other family member, a state Division of Criminal Justice Services study found. More than half (72) of the 135 domestic homicide victims were currently or had been in an intimate relationship with the offender, and females were the victims in 81 percent (58) of those cases, the study said. "Domestic violence often occurs out of sight and, historically, out of mind. It is a blight on our society, and this report sheds new light on the extent of domestic violence and the lives it claims," Gov. David Paterson said in a statement. The study, the first of its kind in the state, confirms what state officials had suspected - that a significant number of homicides are rooted in domestic violence, said Denise O'Donnell, commissioner of the Division of Criminal Justice Services, in a statement. The majority of homicide victims in New York are male, but most victims of domestic violence are female, said Amy Barasch, executive director of the governor's Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence. Nearly 43 percent of adult female homicide victims in New York last year were killed by intimate partners, she said. "Typically, women are more at risk from people they know than from strangers," she said. The most dangerous time for women is just after they have separated from an intimate partner, Barasch said. This is the first time that the state has compiled and analyzed such detailed statistics on domestic homicides, broken down by type of victim, gender, race, ethnicity and age, Barasch said. The information will be used as baseline data, and it will help the state track its success in reducing domestic violence and identify communities that need additional support. The agency, in collaboration with the interagency Domestic Violence Advisory Council, plans to add additional data and create a "domestic violence dashboard" of New York statistics and trends. That initiative will be launched early next year. "This is an important building block to understand what's going on around New York state regarding domestic violence," Barasch said. The statistics show that New York is slightly ahead of the national curve in terms of homicides in which victims were killed by intimate partners, Barasch said. Nationwide, an average of 11 percent of all homicides fall into that category, she said. In New York, it's about 9 percent. Domestic violence is hard to measure because it's underreported, she said. Only about half of domestic violence incidents are reported, the U.S. Department of Justice said. Other key findings in the report include: - Thirty-one counties reported at least one domestic homicide in 2007. Seventeen of the remaining 31 counties did not report any homicides. Seventy-two were in New York City, and 63 were in other parts of the state. - There were 36 child victims of domestic homicide, and 22 of them were younger than 1 year. - Most victims of intimate partner homicide in New York City were black. In the rest of the state, 75 percent were white. - There were more white victims of domestic homicide than black victims - 67 and 59, respectively. For all other types of homicide, there were more than twice as many victims who were black than white - 455 and 194, respectively. - Of the 162 homicides involving Hispanic victims, 20 were domestic homicides. - Thirteen domestic homicides were against people 60 and older. Five involved offenders who were intimate partners and eight involved assailants who were other family members. - A firearm was used in 45 percent of intimate partner homicides. The lower Hudson Valley has been the site of some high-profile slayings with apparent domestic violence links in the past two years. Werner Lippe, a jeweler, was charged in November with second-degree murder in the death of Faith Lippe, 49, a nutritional consultant for the Ossining schools. Janette Carlucci, 41, was bludgeoned to death with a baseball bat March 22 in the Cortlandt home she shared with her fiance, 53-year-old Robert Sepe. Mario Girau of Yonkers admitted in court last month that he murdered his wife, Maria Montalvo-Girau, in October 2007 in the home they shared with their young son. Girau, 71, is accused of stabbing his 46-year-old wife in the chest, back and abdomen 30 times and beating her head with a mallet. Girau pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and will serve 15 years to life in state prison. In February 2007, 48-year-old Kathy Lessard and 14-year-old Linda Lessard were killed in their Putnam Valley home by husband and father Steven Lessard. Lessard, 51, later killed himself.
  • Isnt it 1 in 4? There's so much more out there for them but they just feel worthless and cant leave. Thats not love ladies your better than that.
  • Here's a tragic statistic - besides medical conditions, homicide - murder - is the leading cause of death for pregnant women.
  • Here are some stats...I also heard recently that pregnant women die from being murdered than all other causes of death for pregnant women combined. Now, I wonder who is murdering them? Edit...I just found this..."A study published in the March 2005 edition of the American Journal of Public Health found that homicide was a leading cause of death among pregnant women in the United States between 1991 and 1999." at
  • In the UK alone its on average 2 women a week
  • •In a 1995-1996 study conducted in the 50 States and the District of Columbia, nearly 25% of women and 7.6% of men were raped and/or physically assaulted by a current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or dating partner/acquaintance at some time in their lifetime •Approximately 1.3 million women and 835,000 men are physically assaulted by an intimate partner annually in the United States •In 2000, 1,247 women and 440 men were killed by an intimate partner. In recent years, an intimate partner killed approximately 33% of female murder victims and 4% of male murder victims. •Of females killed with a firearm, almost two-thirds were killed by their intimate partners. The number of females shot and killed by their husband or intimate partner was more than three times higher than the total number murdered by male strangers using all weapons combined in single victim/single offender incidents in 2002.
  • When are the laws going to chance, not to imprison women for killing the men who were about to kill them. We need reform in the country to stop arresting women, suffering from domestic violence and battered womens syndrome. Time for change with the current and past laws. Our system is still asleep and not up with the times, with so much information out there regarding this dynamic. Free all the women currently imprisoned for saving their lives or the lives of others from a Sociopathic man. Sing petitions to free all the female prisoners from unjust prosecution. They were already victimized once, so, the system needs to stop vicimizing them more.
  • Never more than once.

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