• Like most fuels, diesel is a mix of hydrocarbons, and the components have different freezing points. For Number 2 diesel, as the ambient temperatures drop toward 32 degrees F (0 degrees C), it begins to cloud, due to the paraffin in the fuel solidifying. As the temperatures drop below 32 F, the molecules combine into solids, large enough to be stopped by the filter. This is known as the gel point, and generally occurs about 15 degrees F (-9.5 degrees C) below the cloud point. This wax then forms a coating on the filter which results in a loss of engine power. The same thing happens on starting an engine when the temperature is below freezing. The filter becomes almost instantly coated with wax - usually, enough fuel gets through to allow the engine to idle, but not attain operating RPM. There are two common ways to overcome this: one is a diesel additive, the other is a fuel heater.
  • So the ideal answer is to take off the fuel filter and add straight kerosene to the filter,right? But if the fuel in your tanks is gelled already it hardly seems worth it to bother. In my case my fuel is at 1/3 of a tank. I'm not gona start it till it's 17 degrees out or more. I have no way to warm my tanks to ungel it.
  • 4 degrees celcius. sounds good to me. Im not sure if that is exact but i do know that while living in alaska for 2 years everyone with a diesel must have a engine block heater, oil pan heater, transmission heater, battery heater and mose have gas tank heaters inorder to get their vehicles started in the winter.
  • Diesel fuel i don't know but regular fuel will never freeze i dont know anything about all of the things that make it up but regular old fuel even at the lowest recorded temperature ( -157degrees Celcius ) it only turns to a wax-like gel. i read it in a book in the library of congress. PS if you ever go to DC try your best to get there and look around if your allowed its really awsome!
  • This is a duplicate question, or it would be if it was spelled right :-)

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