• Have not heard it but John Lee Hooker's 'Boom Boom' is one of the most used commercial tunes. Despite who might be covering it, the Late Mr. Hooker wrote it and the first verse is as follows: "Boom boom boom boom I'm gonna shoot you right down, right offa your feet Take you home with me, put you in my house Boom boom boom boom A-haw haw haw haw Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm"
  • I agree. The song he's asking about is not Boom, Boom. It sounds more like big,bang, boom. Could be Aerosmith. This is a new promotion for 2007. The article that is referred to (PGA etc. ) is from 2005.
  • could also be, boom boom boom! by the vengaboys? lol
  • The song your asking about is a studio cut done by a group called "Black Ryan." It was only cut as a 30-sec spot, specifically for the Bridgestone Golf commercial. This is not an excerpt from a full song, just a studio band 30-sec cut that was written and performed by the same studio band.
  • Hi, Maddock is indeed right, this is definitely the John Lee Hooker song BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Several versions are available through Limewire including some with ZZ Top and Stevie Ray Vaughn!!! I am almost convinced the ZZ Top collaboration is the one used on the commercials. Ciao

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