• I can see why your uncomfortable with it but yes its ok. You'll just have to trust her on this one. Its 2007 and guys and girls can be best friends. One of my buddies in high school had a girl that was his best friend since ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. I knew them that far back. Turns out they lived next door like their whole lives and they felt like siblings.
  • yea id say it is
  • Yes I do not see a problem with that at all
  • not enugh evidence.kind of convincing but im those jealous possivive type.
  • Sure it's healthy, make friend's with him yourself- Did she know and hang out with him before you ? Because if you try to break up their friendship it will most likely back fire - Good - Luck
  • well they talk all every day.and she mentions him alot.i mean i know the guy but i jus cant help it it bothers me.i guess i have to get used to it.
  • anymore advice?
  • Yeah, as long as it's just friends. Plenty of guys get jealous when their girlfriend has a guy friend, you just have to work through it.
  • Most of my friends happen to be males because I am very physically active. I like extreme sports and I also like video games and comics & more guys tend to become my friends. I am absolutely in love with my boyfriend and we are secure in our relationship. Dont be upset if she has a guy friend unless she begins to completely ignore you or something. You dont want to come off as controlling. It is a real turn off.. Now if she is flirting with every guy that moves that is another story but it is perfectly healthy for chicks to have best guy friends without there being an attraction.
  • As long as the two of them respect you and include you. There should never be another friend of any sex that shuts the person's partner out.
  • Nothing wrong with your girlfriend wanting a guy as a bestfriend. Some women find it a lot easier to talk to men than the same sex. Some guys are really good listeners. Especially the gay ones.
  • I think that's just fine. Plenty of girls out there connect way better on a platonic level with guys. Some girls just can't deal with female friends.
  • what if you dont like the girl?like you have some grudge with him?bad history together?
  • G'day anonymous, Thank you for your question. She has known him longer than you so I'd make friends with him. You might get some interesting information about what she likes. If she thought of him as partner material rather than friend material, she would either be going out with him or have gone out with him. Be cool with her friends just as you'd like her to be cool with your friends. Regards and best wishes
  • I dont think so ,especially if she has ever cheated on could just start more fights and tunr into worse.
  • yes if she is like me she dosnt get along very well aith other chicks.
  • definitely people can have best friends and still go out with others you just have to be the non-jealous type. but if something is going on between them, then you should be mad
  • I dont think that its ok for a girl to have a guy BEST friend. There probably platonic but still. Just my opinion.
  • I normaly feel more comfy if he was gay lol.
  • of course it is. most girls dont get along with other girls. i know i have more guy friends than girl friends because there's so much drama and to me at least its easier for me to talk to guys about problems than other girls
  • my best friend is a guy, and we are like the complete opposite of liking each other, he knowsabout my crush and respects that, If her friend is nice, he would respect that 2.
  • well ya its possible it would make me feel better if i knew he was gay
  • Im gonna answer this cause again cause i know of personal experience,hell no cause i have seen it done before to someone telling their bf he is your cousin or something..I think if it was before the relationship then yes ,but if its after then no...Its not worth it stay single ,then you can have all of the friends you want.
  • Yes! He is probably like a big brother to her.
  • yes if both of you are lesbians.
  • My best friend is a girl. My girlfriend think that this is abnormal
  • most of the answers i see are----- be cool------- i guess it is the hardest thing
  • yea it is ok 2 have a guy bestfriend cuz he can c a different view and oppinion than a gurl can.
  • Dude if she is like flirting with alot of other guys and giving alot of guys hugs and stuff then fuck her shes a whore.
  • Yes, but only friends.
  • I do have all male friends and my bf had a problem with it in the beginning but I think if you meet them and maybe all hang out together and see how they treat eachother n everything youll see that its ok and that they are actually just friends. If you notice anything fishy bring it up. All in all tho, if you dont trust her, dont keep seein her. Its not gonna end up workin out anyways.
  • of course! If your girl cares enough about you, it shouldn't be a problem.
  • I have this same problem and I'm going to have to say I guess. I get jealous if I see my girlfriend talking to other guys its just in my nature, but I have been able to live with this so far. What scares me about the situation is that she moved out of her house and has a restraining order against her father and so now she is living with this guy best friend, in his parents house. We are all 18 and I met her at the University of Wyoming during school at the very end of the year. She told me she would never date him, but she has said that he is amazing and wishes they weren't just friends. I live 77 miles away and can visit her at most one day a week. Last time I went she told me that she had been up until 2 in the morning talking with him and that they had done something together, which she decided would be best if I didn't know what it was. He has a girlfriend, but she is currently in West Virginia, about 1500 miles away, and will be there most of the summer. Basically all I can do is try to make the guy my friend so he wouldn't think about doing anything and remind him of his own girlfriend. So sure its ok you just have to ask yourself if you can handle the idea, because if you can't your going to lay in bed everynight not able to sleep because you are worried about what could be. From the otherside, the only girls who have ever considered me their best friend I was only looking at trying to have a relationship that is more then friends. I suppose if the guy doesn't hold a candle to you your good, but look at it as motivation to improve yourself.
  • providing that is all he is (which is more than likely, if they wanted to get together they would have done so before you came on the scene). Don't be jealous - it is not attractive and could cost you your relationship. Suggest to her that you should meet him as he is obviously important to her. Do not try to end the friendship between them, remember, they were friends before you were. This is her best friend and she has the right to expect you to treat him and the friendship with the respect it deserves. If things were the other way around, you would expect no less. So, even if it is difficult to do, behave in an adult manner and treat this the same as you would if he were a female friend.
  • Personally I hate girls. So I usually tend to hang out with guys. I don't see a problem with it.
  • I have both guy best friends and girl best friends. I don't see a problem with it at all. Also, I don't mind if my boyfriend ever decides to have a girl best friend because I trust him and know he wouldn't do anything with her or let her do anything to him that would encourage him to cheat on me.
  • yeah i think its normal and trust is a huge issue here. You need to put enough faith in her to where you aren't consumed by jealousy. On the other hand you need to learn when to say something. If the guy is doing things that are making you feel uncomfortable you need to talk with your girlfriend. Cause those pent up feelings are going to eat your relationship alive. But in the end, just realize that she has friends just like you do and that is all it is.
  • It's all good! Just ensure your girlfriend is still respecting you as you both mutually being in a "more-than-friends" relationship. Also, ensure that her guy friend(s) respect you as being his friend's boyfriend. If not, get things str8tened out quickly! Otherwise, I would be apprehensive.
  • YES! its ok for your girlfriend to have a best guyfriend....i mean unless you dont trust her alone with him. You see i have a best guy friend and hea hilarious and he just knows how to make a person feel better when they're down and he LOVES to give hugs. But that doesnt mean im gonna cheat on my boyfriend with him. OF course you're prolly gonna be jealous but if you dont trust her then there is no relationship.
  • no. not at all.
  • Yes it is. A lot of girls don't really like girls. Some of us comunicate better with guys a lot easier. And if they consider them a good friend and we don't like them anymore than just a friend.
  • if you trust that she isn't going to mess around on you.. why not? it's totally normal for girls to have guy friends, and they can still maintain a healthy relationship. Somtimes, however, you do get the occasional bad apple. you just have to trust that she wont do you wrong.
  • My best friend is a guy. There just has to be boundaries and trust, from everyone to make a friendship like that, work.
  • She is a failure I trusted her ass and she paid me with dirty crap she is worthless.
  • listen dude..until u r not maarrid to that girl...this is ok...because some problems we cant share with girl frnd or boy that kind of problems r shared with best frnd or true frnd....
  • Maybe. Definitely if he's gay. If he's not, keep an eye on him. I'm nervous just thinking about it. You poor fellow.
  • Would it be ok for you to have a girl as a bestfriend?!
  • Sure as long as they don't do "anything" with each other. If ya know what I mean :)
  • trust me m8 let her have a guy best friend because if you restrict her to not being alloud to be near other guys she will hate you and dump you(most likely
  • If you have to ask, it probably isn' far as YOUR relationship is concerned.
  • Sure. Besides my g/f, my best and longest friend is a woman. I just treat her like one of the guys. When you take romance and sex out of the equation...women are actually OK. I'm guessing that would apply in the opposite direction as well. Not sure that sounds that great, but hopefully you know what I mean:)
  • sure...friendship isn't always about sex.
  • Im the one who is generally the guy bestfriend. Yes, that is what I am. Nothing ever happens but friendship. We both like it that way and I have a number of "girl" friends whom we go to the theater with and out to dinner for long talks and even have gone on vacations. Women make wonderful escorts as well as traveling companions. Two genders are not always about sex.
  • It is fine, I love my bf and yet most of my best friends are boys because i get along with them better, they always seem more relaxed, fun to be around, but i would never want to be wiht them in that way. They are totally different than my bf.
  • I see nothing wrong with it so long as she is not disrespecting you or your relationship together in anyway.
  • No such thing as having a best friend of the other sex.There is always some kind of sexual tension. So I say no way.
  • No such thing as having a best friend of the other sex.There is always some kind of sexual tension. So I say no way.
  • You cannot have a boyfriend and also a guy as a best friend. Many a times it changes the other way after sometime. So it is not okay for your girlfriend to have a guy as a best friend!
  • Yes it is ok, you should be secure enuf with yourself to accept it, if she was friends with him before. I am sure you have female friends, just make sure she accepts it the same....Jealousy is ugly, and only makes for a bad relationship. Remember some girls like to make boys jealous
  • yea it is perfectly fine most of my bffs are guys and my boyfreind dont mid he knows he is my one and only
  • I wouldn't like it if I were you. But, it's up to you to decide how comfortable you are.
  • Its ok until and unless both of them can control themselves and be and behave as friends only. If not you might be in trouble. Cos every relationships starts by being friends at first until feelings get developed.
  • I don't see a problem with it.i'm in the same situation, (as the guy best friend), and no problems have arisen.I'm even friends with her boyfriend as well.
  • yes, its never been illegal for a chik n guy to be friends...i think it shows how much u truly trust her friend and if she was friend with themn before she met u its obvious there isnt a physical attratcion between them...and she wants to be with dont push it that her being friends witht hem is a bad thing...cuz it makes them feel like they r choosing between their best friend n bfriend...and most times if u r in a long term realtionship u will bcome their best friend so no stress kk!=]
  • I think there's nothing wrong with that..^_^
  • it just depends if shes spending way more time with him than you and shes always talking about him and there always out on outings i would kinda put my foot down, but yea if you trust her n fully know she isnt doing anything besides being friends you shouldnt worry
  • as long as they give you no reason not totrust their friendship when your not around. my g/f had a guy best friend and i must admit the whole thing pissed me off. as a guy, when my best friend was a girl we were having sex but when i got into a relationship with someone else that had to stop.
  • My best friend is a guy and my husband doesn't seem to care at all...really, it just comes down to a matter of trust. If you think something is going on, maybe you should bring it up to her? If there isn't, I just don't see what the problem is. After all, there are both men and women on this planet for a reason:)
  • Hunh!!
  • I think that is something that is different for different relationships and situations. In one relationship, it may work for each person to have a best friend or pal of the opposite sex but in another relationship, it wouldn't work. Why? because we all react differently to different individuals. if the best guyfriend was unattractive, would it make a difference verses him being very attractive? In my relationship, It would not be okay because the 50/50 rule we have. "if it's okay for you to do it, then I can too with no problems" if we can't live with that, then the answer is no!
  • As long as he's not banging her.
  • personally i think it can pose a threat? he's the person she talks to when she cant get thru 2 u.he knows her likes&dislikes.she's also comfortable with him..and that could be trouble down the line,especially if their drinking together!!see how she likes it if you had a nice looking female as a friend..think about it..
  • I think it is fine, my best friend is male. If you trust her, there should be no problem and if you don't trust her, you shouldn't be in a relationship with her.
  • It's (obviously) o.k. with her, what are you feelin' yo?...
  • No. The best guyfriend just wants to sleep with her.
  • Sure is it as long as she doesn't give you a reason not to trust her.
  • Absolutely, dont be worried about that as long as you know you can trust her. If you cant trust eachother then you two shouldnt be together TRUST is one of the must haves in a relationships if you dont have trust you dont have a relationship at all. HOnestly almost all of my freidns are males simply because i cant stand females, if its any news to you, females have so much drama in their lives and complain way too much...guys are laid back and just kick it.
  • why shouldn't she?:)
  • My personal opinion is it is not ok. I can say based on personal experiences it is very difficult. I had a boyfriend who had a best friend who was his ex and she called a lot and they would sit on the phone for 30 minutes while I was there waiting for them to finish so we could contiue our time together. I am one who feels your significant other would be your best friend if it is the right relationship. Think of all you share with a best friend and ask yourself if you are ok with that with your girlfriend and her male best friend. Seems it never ends platonically. I also know from experiences of friends that it always ended up with the "best friends" hooking up.
  • You mean other than yourself? Yeah, I don't really have a problem with it.
  • Course it is. Just like it's okay for you to have a girl best friend. Why wouldn't it be...? If you trust her, that is.
  • I personally think it is okay. I am a girl with a boyfriend and I have a best guy friend. I have known him since elementary school and I can talk to him about anything. If me and my boyfriend are fighting or there is something I need to talk about, I can talk to him. I couldn't see my best guy friend more than a friend
  • YES!!! as long as they are platonic friends, and she has introduce him to you and you got great vibes from him.... that is what I did with my boyfriends, I let them know that they were here before them and they will be after them....
  • Assuming this is a guy she knew before you came along, I don't think there's any reason to feel threatened by her male bestfriend. For one thing, assuming he's hoping to win her heart eventually, just by hanging in there long enough, the guy probably has no shot. --Or, virtually no shot. ("friends catagory" = No chemistry) Besides, your girlfriend picked you over him. Making a big deal out it only betrays insecurity -- Never a good quality...
  • *Deleted By User*
  • Ok I think depending on what they do together than that will be your answer but i mean if you feel jealous about your g/f[girlfriend] having a guy thats her best friend than tell her and talk about it that will help also and if you guys trust each other than i wouldn't worry about it
  • Yes. Me and boyfriend share best friends.
  • Not really. You should be each others' best friends.
  • I had a guy as a best friend and it worked. He was 10 years younger than me and we played a lot. Climbed on top of the house, played racket ball. He kept me young, I prepared him for what was yet to be.
  • sure, as long as he's just a friend.
  • I go to a college that is 75% male. ALL of my friends are men. My ex-boyfriend HATED it. He assumed that all of my friends were plotting to get me into bed. This was just ridiculous. I think it ended up being one of the reasons why we broke up. My current boyfriend is fine with it. I think it's because he takes the time to get to know my friends. Because of this, he knows that they are just friends. Try getting to know this guy and then you can make a decision.
  • Yes if that guy is you
  • It's no problem providing he's gay & she's devoted to you. Actually there's no harm in this & in fact the more you would object the more adamant she'll be to hang out with him & you'll just push her away & then theer's a danger something may happen. Best thing is get to know this guy yourself & befriend him as mates don't cheat on mates, or you can legally batter him.
  • i also had this problem i dont see it as a problem if the pair of them see each other as friends and asexuals in my case though the best friend a man had feelings for my girlfriend and showed it in text gave her condoms etc that she took off him and she invited him on most of our first dates plus she wouldnt touch or kiss me in his presence and she used to invite him along to family gatherings and say what a good body he had and she used to carry his photo around in her phone not mine as anybody got any views on this particular relationship?????
  • I think so, yeah. My best friend is a girl and I'm not dating her. She's sort of like a sister, I don't really think of her in a dating sort of way.
  • yea, i have a couple and they are in secure ltr, or are married...i tell them everything...and i still have guy bestfriends, it's just girls are easier to tell stuff to, because they have good insight, my gf gets along with them just fine, although she has asked if i have ever messed with any of
  • I know the feeling, my partner has a guy bestfriend...he is "bi/unsure" of his sexuality. In the past they used to sleep in the same bed as friends (nothing sexual). There was photos saved of them that would make you think "how good friends are they!"...They have kissed when drunk (full on pash, before she met me)...When we first met, she told me of the "pact" they had. If they are 30 and unmarried/single they will get married and have kids (natural way, not test tubes). She does get kinda horny when drunk. This kinda made me wonder.... Recently she went to a couple of his relos weddings. She was invited as his "friend", I didnt get invited...the excuse being "They don't know you!"...I was pissed off to say the least... If it really gets out of hand, get yourself a female "best friend"....see if she cracks it or is ok. Then you will know if shes a keeper or not!
  • If you don't like it then it's not ok.
  • I'm a girl & have a guy best friend. There is nothing wrong with it.

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