• It's just a saying, it's not absolute truth. Different people do prefer different kinds of beauty... my sister used to have a boyfriend who just loved snakes -- she couldn't stand them, he thought they were beautiful. But lets not be silly about this: lots more people like to look at the latest sexy starlet than Whoopi Goldberg. Ok, that dude from Cheers liked her, but it's still a minority view. So that's the way it is: yes, there are individual variations, but there is also a lot of commonality in what people find beautiful. The saying is just a saying -- it has some meaning, but it's not to be carved in stone. Now, if you're not pretty... then what? Is that a problem? Why?
  • I think you're misunderstanding the saying. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder means that the person looking at something decides if it is beautiful. You just have ass hole friends.
  • It's unfortunate that people tend to look at the outer "beauty" of a person--before they try to get to know the inner "beauty" of that person! Fortunately, as time goes by, the outer beauty of a person becomes less important and we "ugly people" have a better chance of: finding a life partner--and "fitting in" with the rest of society!!! ;) So fret not, beloved--"beauty" isn't everything!!!
  • Darling you need to wake up- Beauty is defined by actions and heart. I honesty don't believe you could possibly be as ugly as you seem to think you are. If you are a genuinely nice person and try to live your life in a positive manner it will show through you. If people make fun of you- you need to leave them behind- every person has a purpose in this life- you need to find yours. Hold onto yourself, don't try to change for other people. Be you, and your beauty will show. I'm always willing to talk if you want further convo. <3
  • The only way to make use of this phrase is by talking to 2 people online without knowing what they look like. After a month of talking it won't matter much what they look like, you will still like that person, however if you saw them before talking then you will never know what the other person is like.

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