• I don't know about the Slim Shady name, but Eminem is for "M and M" which are his initials for his real name Marshall Mathers. My guess is you already know this because of your name on here, but maybe not. Edit - According to Urban Dictionary, "Slim Shady" is a light skinned individual who acts black. Shady/shade refers to an area or a space of partial darkness. The slang is used to describe a person with dark/black skin. Also noted as referring to a white male who acts like a stereotypical black male. The answer rated the best is: Eminem's alternate name....kinda, more like the "evil" side of Marshall. He blames Slim for everything that happens, with his family, and work, that happens that is bad. And in one of his most recent songs "When I'm Gone" he "kills" Slim. "but tonight slim shady's goin rocka-bye-baby"
  • he calls himself eminem as in M & M (aka.)"marshal mathers" he also calls himself slim shady because for one of his records, he wasnt producing it as eminem, but as slim shady. Another example of people doing this, would be the beatles. The beatles made an entire CD as "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" but really, all they were was the beatles. im not sure if that was at all helpful to you though.
  • yeah i heard that m&m was his normal side and that slim shady was an evil side that m&m was chaneling from the devil.
  • M&M for Eminem. Shady is a businessman who isn't honest. I guess he calls himself Slim Shady because he is "Slim business man on drugs". It pretty much sums up what he is in reality
  • he calls himself eminem because it is his initials (Marshal Mathers) he spelt it out phonetically (sp) so he would not run into law trouble with the candy M&M. as for the slim shady part that came from D12. when they formed D12 there was only 6 people and each of them came up with an alternate personality, hence D12. each member had two personalities. eminems alternate ego was slim shady. he chose this because he believes that in everyone there is a dark side, a part of them that is different from how they normally act, and for him that is slim shady
  • his intails are m and m eminem is a new way of saying it i guess!!!
  • because hes the best rapper in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Slim Shady is his Alter Ego with bleached hair and Black additude
  • I think he named himself Eminem (as in M&M, the candy) meaning he is chocolate (black) on the inside. He actually plays 3 personalities in his music career. Slim Shady -his demented, phsycotic and drug addicted personality (Slim Shady LP) Marshall Mathers - born as and the real him(Marshall Mathers LP) Eminem - the entertainer/rapper & comedian, (Eminem Show & Encore) The Relapse album is supposed to be him breaking back into his "Shady" self...
  • Why can't he have two callings...Datz Wuz mean?
  • He should change his name. He used to be the top of his game, now its more like OnT. Old and Tired.

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