making waffle cones *grumble* lol....
Retailing and Designing Garments!Because now I am 100% into spirituality!
Automotive repair, though I've been out of the field for years, I still get asked to repair friends and familys cars, I do it but I really dont want to. But if I'm able to help I guess thats more important than disliking something.
Ticking people off.
Data processing and filing. In the office I work in, I'm better at it than people who have been doing it for twenty years....but I hate it. I hate it so much.
Making people laugh. Sometimes I get too silly and turn into the class clown, and I hate it.
Preaching. I have done it several times this year, and I am getting better at it, but I prefer singing. LOL (as opposed to my husband who prefers preaching to singing)
sales. I am a great salesman but I hate doing it because of all the pressure and the stress that comes with having to sale and meeting the quotas everyday. However, I do have a knack for sales so I keep getting shoehorned into it.
Juggling, I can't stand doing it anymore, even though I spent so much time learning how...
running a bookie office
Great question! But no, not really, I suppose. - [I'm really sorry to have wasted everyone's time here with this lame answer. I feel especially bad for the question's poser, Watch. I'll make every attempt to think these things through a little more clearly henceforth to prevent any possibility of a repeat occurance. Again, my humble apologies.] - ;-)
House cleaning
Looking at mirror!
At one time I was a Chef. I can prepare and cook any meal for any number of people - 2 to 60 or more with very little hassle, aggravation or problems. I can prepare a banquet for 1000 or more - with little or few problems. HOWEVER I absolutely hate cooking for myself AND eating alone! Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it! VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name! Sources: My wonderful family! Graduate of the Culinary Institute of America, New Haven, CT campus. Was in the Food and Beverage business over 26 years. "THE University of Hard Knocks" Also known as ("a/k/a") "life's valuable lessons".
Usually people hate doing things they're not good at. I don't think I've ever known anybody (myself included) that hates doing anything they're good at
Putting on makeup and getting dressed up. I'm very good at it but I'd rather go in jeans, a t-shirt and no make up.
Washing dishes!
I was the best CSR for my call center, I hated that job but everyone said my phone voice and professionalism was top notch.
My paperwork. When I force myself to sit down and do I am really good at it but I so hate starting it!
After many repairs and remodeling projects in the houses I've lived in, I've become a pretty fair hand at putting up and finishing drywall. But I *hate* the stuff. The dust gets everywhere (your skin, your clothes, your lungs, etc.) and irritates anything it touches. Plus, unlike something like finish carpentry, *nobody* notices a good drywall job. They only notice if you screw it up....;-D...
Definitely math. It is boring.
Hurting people.
Ya putting people to sleep!!!! Now wake back up over there...+5....LOL
Translating. I love interpreting, but I hate translating, although I am good at it. I find it tedious most of the time.
Shopping. Once when I got back from grocery shopping my wife called and asked what I had been doing. I said, "Grocery shopping". She said, "Did you get me some bananas?" I said, "No, but I would have if you had asked me to get them before I went". She whined, "Go AGAIN!". :p
I'm good at cooking the Thanksgiving dinner, but I am not looking forward to shopping for the ingredients.
Filing or data management or records management.....I am meticulous with my work and bored out of my brains. When I get bored I get sloppy and then I hate it even more.... I am also good at housework, washing and drying and ironing. I REALLY HATE IT! At least for the former I can get paid. And NO! I will not do housework for money. I would really really hate it and probably last only my first session
Being nice.
Cleaning and sometimes Cooking...I usually don't mind, but I hate it when I am forced to do it...
English class. Oh god, I HATE english. Oh, and spanish. Oh dear god, why must I learn more than one language!?
Fixing computers
I am very good at my job but I hate it.
I'd say I'm good at my job, but for the most part I don't like it.
I musta got good by of course I love to do what I'm good at!
Cooking. I am an excellent cook, but you have to melt me down and pour me into a kitchen.
cleaning. Or drawing, because if i ever show anyone my art work I'm suddenly given requests for what they want or would like, or blah blah blah.. which takes the fun out of it.
Cooking. I am an excellent cook, even if I say so myself but I absolutely HATE the cleaning up after the main work is over.I thoroughly enjoy making unique or festive dishes but day to day cooking... sometimes I wish I had a cook:)
Getting angry
work in general =oD
Oral sex, lol don't really hate it. Seriously, I would have to say my job.
I'm great at procrastinating. Wish I weren't. It is a major fault of mine.
Massage, its just soooooooooo boring!
I hate being lazy lying around
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