• I think it was just a lame intro to the TV show and to him, just like the one about him doing the other things. They were just trying to impress us kids. :) And they impressed me!!
  • he didnt have the air miles to spare?
  • maybe it involves the use of less resources of less use of resources or perhaps it's just easier, like driving two blocks when you can walk them.
  • Maybe leaping in single bounds is more fun than flying.
  • DUDE you are way too much of a deep thinker.
  • He doesn't actually jump over the building, he just jumps a little bit and flies the rest of the way so he can impress people. Maybe a better question is, after the people keep shooting him and nothing happens, why does he duck when they throw the gun?
  • The answer for that is simple: when Superman was first created he did not fly! He was able to leap great distances. The power of flight was added to him at a later date. That's why early mentions of Superman have him able to leap tall buildings. From the Wikipedia article ( on Superman: "Superman's powers also developed during the 1940s, including vast increases in strength and acquiring the ability to fly — the earliest comics depict Superman able to leap only an eighth of a mile at a time." I was sure that someone would give the right answer before I did, but apparently no one did. Yay for me! :)
  • Leaping tall buildings in a single bound pretty much constitutes the act of flying, it's just a semi poetic way of saying "Able to fly straight up and over a building".
  • because hes tired of flying
  • Well is sounds better that jumping over small buildings boesn't it? Probably poetic licence because it sounded good for the TV promo. And then I thought....hhmmmmm...maybe leaping IS different to flying. I could imagine that it may involve a different set of muscles and a different take off and I suppose landing could be different too, since leaping involves the legs being apart rather like a hurdler in full flight (pls forgive the pun) one leg leads and the other followes - whereas flying superman style keeps the legs together. So landing would be different...hhmmmmm......
  • Exericise!
  • Leaping from a building is easier than flying, to fly he needs to concentrate.
  • On those days when Superman didn't use his superdeodorant and didn't want his underarms to show....just in case. No, actually he didn't fly at the beginning. He just leapt around.
  • to relieve the boredom.
  • Technically, Superman doesn't fly. The reason he is so strong and can "fly" is because the planet he is from has a very high gravitational pull, which caused his race to develop as stronger beings. So really, when they say he's flying, he's just jumping. Really, really, really far.
  • He probably wouldn't, but hey, its cool that he could! :P
  • Despite what the historians say, He told me that "flying I can do anytime". He also told me day before yesterday that there is an added thrill to leaping buildings, and that at first, he could leap in about three bounds, but he has got it down to about .5 of a bound now.
  • Maybe it's his flying capabilities that gives him the ability to do that.
  • I would like to add it was from the radio show
  • The orginal Superman could not fly, he could only jump incredible distances yo...

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