• It does depend on environmental conditions, but generally... "Burial in a coffin slows the process The whole process is generally slower in a coffin, and the body may remain identifiable for many months. Some tissues, such as tendons and ligaments, are more resistant to decomposition, while the uterus and prostate glands may last several months. But within a year all that is usually left is the skeleton and teeth, with traces of the tissues on them - it takes 40 to 50 years for the bones to become dry and brittle in a coffin. In soil of neutral acidity, bones may last for hundreds of years, while acid peaty soil gradually dissolves the bones." This article was last medically reviewed by Dr Trisha Macnair in December 2005.
  • i don't know why people aren't reading this question properly but they are asking how long does an EMBALMED body buried 6 feet under take to decompose can take decades for that to happen , not a few months or a year as the last poster claims. make sure to read the questions properly before answering

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