• Big one on my shin
  • Where I cut myself with a razor blade at work. It's not an exciting scar, but that's life...
  • a three inch dandy right across my forehead from trtying to act like a teenager with the neighbors kids
  • A burn on my leg from a motorcycle muffler last summer. (Don't wear shorts when riding a strange bike)
  • On my elbow from flipping my car 3 times.
  • An inch and a half scar on my right hand going horizontally across my right ring finger's lower joint. Just finished sharpening a lawn mower blade and was putting it back on, when the wrench slipped off the bolt. Blood everywhere, but it was funny. My father and brother were there telling me it was cut and laughing at me, but I didn't feel a thing, looked down, seen the blood pouring out, finished tightening the bolt, went in the house and got a tissue, and the rest is history. :)
  • 4" scar on the right side of my throat, a result of surgery in August of 2007.
  • the last result of surgery for some kind of living mass of protoplasm was living just below the surface of the skin on my back, on my left shoulder. i had to have a private doctor do it as it wasnt covered by my HMO. the private doctor wanted to see if it had a root that led to my heart or my brain. No such root, sorry. I had it for several years. I was glad my wound has scarred over, it took months to heal. There was always a little itch there. now that is totally gone. just the scar remains.
  • latest one was a bikini line incision to go in and fix things I damaged during a.."why the hell did I do this" sky dive..LOL :)
  • A mysterious scar that had somehow appeared on my toe after looking for my keys. I found out when I casually looked at my foot and noticed there was blood all over my toes. I felt no pain, but wondered why my toes were wet and sticky.
  • A cut on my arm that I got saving burning babies from an orphanage.
  • on my heart
  • It's an emotional one.
  • On my arm. A sharp piece of jagged metal cut me good.
  • When bringing down a leather storage container from a high shelf, I dropped it right on my nose, now I have this little line where the skin was broken.
  • My heart was scarred
  • weed wacker scratched up my legs pretty good a month or so ago...note to self...wear long pants!
  • i was playing beach volleyball and landed on a rock. my shin has a massive scar on it... but it was worth it :]
  • a mark on my left arm from when i burnt myself at work.
  • It was quite a while back, about 1991. I was five and walking to the park, which was only 2 houses down. As I came to the entrance I noticed a homeless man. He immediately rose and greeted me with a "Got a few bucks.?" I'll always remember that, just being newly conscious of the world around me, he scared me quite a bit. I ran back to my house, up the stairway to the front porch. I started feverishly banging on the door, no answer. I was dieing to get inside, and as I tried to call attention to myself I spotted the man coming down the sidewalk looking t'wards me. I didn't even think about it, what I did, felt like reflex. I punched the door, which had a pain of glass stretching most of the door. The pain broke but left a icicle like piece in the bottom right corner. It caught right under my right wrist and sliced there too the tip of my elbow. I hurriedly glanced down to see the skin and matter separate, a good look at my own flesh. Then it filled with blood and waterfell over my arm, the immediate loss of blood caused me to pass out, last I remember was seeing the homeless man, running in the other direction. 23 now and still have a huge 1 ft and a half scar. 213 stitches. They had to get yanked out too after I was healed. >_<
  • I stuck a crowbar in my cheekbone several years ago, when the step I was prying up broke. I've got a nice y-shaped scar right below my eye.
  • Two days ago, some fucking greek hippy/ poof told me that the army is just a bunch of trigger happy murderers. I asked him why he said that and he pushed me, so I knocked him out cold. Then one of his mate smashed a glass of beer on my arm. I think you can guess what I done to him...
  • Well, the last scar I received is forming right now... I was sharpening my knife and got the tip of my finger. Nothing to worry about because I'm use to it by now.
  • Shot in the leg.
  • On my finger, when I stopped to help a woman who had a flat tyre and she had raised the carjack upside down and it collapsed on my finger when I went to correct it : (
  • A nice curved line along the base of my right thumb where my cat got me!
  • Incision under surgery to remove my appendix.
  • I was sleepling. Then in the middle of the night My arm, sudenly hit me in the face, it hit me in the nose, My nose really kinda hursts.
  • My tattoo of the Invisible Pink Unicorn

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