• Histronic: strong need for applause, gets angry and frustrated if they don't get what they want, likes to be popular, believes winning is no fun unless people know you one, desires more attention, competes for the spotlight, grew up feeling they had to stand out to be happy, gets attention through negative behavior, self absorbed, frequently feels envious, likes to manipulate others, superficial, tends to become involved with people quickly, feels best when admired, wants things done their way, used to getting their way, uses their looks to get what they want, quick tempered, impulsive, vain, loves to win awards, performer, entertainer, pleasure seeking, swayed by emotions, prefers instant gratification, self promoting, believes in success through appearances, wealth seeking. It has to do with how someone is raised. I've seen alot of so-called spoiled brats and girls that were raised like princesses have these qualities.
  • Yes, because they're parents either payed them too much or not enough attention.
  • wow. learned something new. thanks.
  • Chris Crocker from Youtube is an example.
  • I've met a few people who are prone to histrionics and I have no idea what makes them act that way. I stay away from people like that. Drama junkies, is my best guess. Maybe they are arrogant in the extreme or they have no self esteem. *shrugs shoulders*
  • I wouldn't know if I did.

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