• pass it under cold water
  • I screamed...... Then soaked it in cold water. The rubbed a topical analgesic on it. (aspercreme.) The burn was superficial and was gone in 24 hours.
  • The very first step is to stop the heat. Do this by submerging the burned area in semi-cold water as fast as you can. Getting cold water onto the area as fast as possible is the single most important factor in minimizing the burn damage. Do NOT use ice. This can cause cold damage to the skin, which may make the burn worse. The next step is to continue the cold water for at least 20 minutes. Submerging the burn is best, but if you cannot, then either run it under cold water or apply cold water-soaked washcloths repeatedly. Do not put any butter, grease, or powder on the burn. AFTER THE INITIAL 20 MINUTES OF COLD WATER Get pain relief. Take a dose of ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil). Check on it for dose instructions. This will both help the pain and decrease the inflammation. Calm yourself. Assess the burn. There are several degrees of burn. First degree burns. This is simply redness, with no blistering. This type of burn never leaves a scar if properly treated. Second degree burns. This is redness with blistering of the skin and is usually the most painful type on burn. With proper treatment, this type of burn almost never leaves a scar. NEVER pop the blisters. If it looks real nasty tomorrow or hurts more, go to an ER or see your doctor!
  • get alou vera plant leave and rub the affected area
  • Unless it is a third-degree burn, the best treatment for ANY burn or scald is just to keep it constantly wet for eight or ten hours. The reason for burn damage is that your capillaries keep trying to expand to the max to get rid of the perceived heat. But if they all expand at once, they'll rupture, and that will kill a lot of cells and do a lot of painful damage. If you keep the skin wet and therefore cold, they won't rupture and you likely won't have blisters, peeling, or pain by morning. Other remedies mostly work because of the water they contain. Water works best and is free--but it has to be constant, because if you let the burn dry when it's not hurting a lot of damage will happen below your threshold of pain.
  • i just burned my leg with boiling water and hurts so much it peel my skin
  • depending on how bad it is: 1) have your mommie kiss it 2) treat it at home 3) go to the ER
  • I do not know if this works...but I read it in a book ....Apparently if you quickly dice some tomatoes and salt and put a paste on the burn (wrap a bandage around it)...the burn will miraculously disappear after a short while.
  • Stick it under cold running water...and scream like hell! Voila!
  • To be on the SAFE side and not risk doing further damage ... I get to an E/R or an Urgent care ASAP ...
  • Stick a fork in it to see if it's done. Um, err, wait, what was the question again?
  • From experience do not wrap it up! Cuz when you want to unwrap it, your skin is going to peel off with it and it hurts like a you-know-what! I ran it under cold water and put neosporin on it all day. I must have went through 2 or 3 tubes but it was worth it. It did hurt quite a bit the first and second day but after that it was just sore and stingy.

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