• By train
  • The same way it travels through air or water. Molecules bouncing into other molecules and transfering the energy of collision.
  • sound infact travels far faster in a solid oject than though air because the particles on a solid are closer together the bounce from one to the other much quicker, where in air the particles are further apart it takes longer for each one to bounce from one to another.. Its like playing a sport where ur passing the ball from one point to another, its going to be quicker if you have more people trowing to each other rather than less people further apart (assuming their skills are good)
  • Sound waves pass through or rather squeeze through the gaps in the molecular structure of solid matter. Resistance is more here in the solids so loss is greater than other media like air or water.
  • the sound energy bounces off all the particles so it will obviously be quicker through a solid because the particles are tightly packed together
  • By train
  • what about if its a plastic bottle with water in it?
  • This is all sbout the density and arrangement of particles in the solid. if the particles are arranged in a cubic closed packing then the minimum amount of sound will be transmitted and in hexagonalclosed packing maximum energy is transmitted.
  • just a thought== vibration.

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