• I live in a province in Canada with a bottle deposit law (and an Enviro tax, grrr). Fifty miles from home is a province with no bottle deposit law, just aluminum recycling. You can almost tell where the border is by the bottle and can litter. If someone chooses to toss their bottles and throw away your money, that's their problem. But trust me, it makes a difference.
  • If you throw them away, then they are up for grabs. Those bottles are worth money. We recycle ours to get the money back that we paid up front. I have met some very fine people who collect discarded recyclable cans/bottles who have used that money for their children's benefit. I suppose homeless people feel that they are trash so why not get the money for them. I don't know how it is in New York but in California we take pride in recycling anything/everything we can in an effort to minimize refuse going into dumps. Recycled cans/bottles serve many more uses than simply subsidizing the homeless. Happy Sunday! :)
  • Like Rosie, I also live in California. Our city waste disposal company keeps our trash prices low by collecting our cans and bottles in a separate can, and they do the recycling through the company. In other words, we pay for it when we buy the cans and bottles, instead of getting billed by the waste company, and they get the benefit of selling them back. In San Diego, I have seen whole families going up and down the beach, reaching in the trash with hand-held grippers for the cans.
  • I take mine back...not so much for the money as for the fact that I try to clean up (the environment) after myself.
  • I don't know. PA doesn't have it, and this place is littered with bottle and cans. People have whole mountains of them outside their houses. Maybe we could use it here.
  • If they benefit from it, I'm all for it.
  • The city I went to college in had a $.05 rebate for cans and bottles. There wasn't a can or bottle to be found. That's how we made money to go out on the weekends and such.

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