• Public stereotypes and subjective opinions. The press and the movies and the people writing reviews for the Worlds Most Beautiful/Hansome/Sexiest People tell us what THEY think or maybe there was a "poll". Scientific no doubt. Handsome and beauty are different for everyone. As they should be.
  • I forget what it called exactly but there is actually a graph that measures the eveness of someones face. so i guess if it is even in its measurements that person is beautiful. A straight face. ***someone help me out here what the heck is that graph called?
  • What I find beautiful or handsome can differ greatly from what the next person considers beautiful or handsome. I think as one person said, we are influenced alot by the media as to what women and men ought to "have" or not have to be considered good looking, and especially to be considered beautiful or handsome. But for me, I make my decisions on this matter on an individual basis from woman to woman and man to man if I consider them handsome or beautiful. To use some other canned or stereotyped criteria to judge them I think is unfair and probably many times, not even accurate by many other people's standards or opinions.
  • I actually like a face that is far from perfect. I think Shrek is just lovely because he has a warm, kind glow.
  • The eye of the beholder or admirer..........
  • don't look at me!
  • Opinion it would appear
  • I personally believe it to be the eyes and the smile.
  • scientists say it's symmetry, combined with a few gender-specific traits. supposedly, these traits are fairly reliable in edging up the percentage of test subjects who considered them attractive (I may be forgetting some): women: full lips, large eyes, small jaw and nose (all associated with youth/adolescence) men: squarer jaw, deeper-set eyes, full lips one interesting oddity - women's perceptions of beauty change throughout their menstrual cycle. that's what studies have shown, so those may be trends. certainly, the symmetry idea makes sense, since it's been shown that animals also are generally attracted to symmetrical features. but on an individual basis, it isn't so exact, and there are a lot of variables.
  • To me (as a female talking about males), at this age it would be flawless skin, captivating eyes/eye colour, and overall the main thing would be a well-groomed, well looked after face.
  • the only thing that can make you beautiful is to be happy. but not in a 'i took over the world' way more of a 'that necklace is so beautiful it takes my breathe away' way.
  • Because people have different thoughts.
  • Symmetry, attitude, force of personality, personal preference, and let's not forget how much choice of clothes and makeup or lack thereof can affect how your face is percieved. Oh, and here's one my mom and I were discussing awhile back: bold features, like say wide cheekbones or a 'strong' nose. Also, the perception of beauty varies from culture to culture and over the course of history. You know how American models are traditionally 'beanpoles'? And how in some of the 3rd world countries really fat woman are the most valued? And that Romans considered big noses to be a sign that a man was going to succeed in life? And that there were times in the French court's history that short and plump were considered beautiful? Personally, I like interesting faces, but not all of the ones I like best would I classify as handsome or beautiful.
  • The eyes of others.
  • ..To feel beautiful ,happy from within and to feel contented in life is what makes people look beautiful..
  • A Smile and the eye of the beholder
  • The ratio and distribution of your eyes nose month... relative to the size of your face.
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  • Every year in the UK, we have the Childrens Xmas lectures. A few years ago they showed that Kylie Minogue is naturally beautiful. They did this by using a mirror on her photograph to show she was perfectly symettrical. I think the real answer - is "in the eye of the beholder". In my case, Kylie Minogue wins again. My face is definately a lot more handsome in the pitch black, when suddenly I become the spitting image of Brad Pitt, Geroge Clooney and David Beckham all rolled into one. Then someone always turns on the lights and spoils the illusion.
  • We all see different qualities in each other ... some find beauty that others don't see ... you can have huge amounts of sex appeal and look ordinary ... To see sex appeal ... I believe one needs to possess a certain ammount themselves ...
  • BEAUTY is in the EYE of the Viewer. It really depends on what "you" find attractive, and what is imporntant to you, I am an eye looker, I look into eyes to see their soul and heart, so I may not even notice a different feature, others like a smoth face some like rugged out-doors type. IT depends on the Person seeing, and what attracts them, what they look at.
  • Characteristic features of the female "sexy face": Suntanned skin Narrower facial shape Less fat Fuller lips Slightly bigger distance of eyes Darker, narrower eye brows More, longer and darker lashes Higher cheek bones Narrower nose No eye rings Thinner lids Characteristics of the male "Sexy face": Browner skin Narrower facial shape Less fat Fuller and more symmetrical lips Darker eye brows More and darker lashes Upper half of the face broader in relation to the lower Higher cheek bones Prominent lower jaw More prominent chin No receding brows Thinner lids No wrinkles between nose and corner of the mouth
  • MAKE UP ;/
  • Attractiveness in a person depends on the admirer..As far as being beautiful that is universal, and there is actually a science behind it.
  • Whether it is physiological or rather inner beauty reflection on someone's face, these are all a result of genetic inheritance. no escape:)
  • Broad face and chin with well defined shape like Brad.
  • Most people say that symmetry is what defines beauty, symmetrical and probably chiseled features.
  • imperfection
  • I think its how confident you are if you feel confident then it will reflect your inner beauty outwards if that makes sense
  • men with bodily intelligence say in our brain there is an odurless chemical called pheromones that weed out good matches from bad ones,when one meets someone and trigger attraction.
  • squared jaw, with the bottom of the jaw just above the line of the chin, symmetry and good completion are the basis of a handsome face, bear eye colour etc change from person to person.
  • The opinion of the person looking at it.
  • The eye of the beholder!
  • symmetry, a study was done on this subject and they found that people with a more symmetric face were thought to be better looking, they also saw the same thing in animals like peacocks
  • for women i agree that it is: rounded forehead arched eyebrows, set above the line of the eyebone large eyes distance between the eyes same as the width of the eye small, relatively short, upturned nose, flat or curved, nasal bone. full symmetrical lips, with well formed cupids bow small slightly pointed chin high rounded cheekbones, concave cheeks(not always) small soft jawline These features make a beautiful face, but i dont think women neccesarily need to have ALL of them to make them beautiful, as long as they have atleast 4 of them( and the jawline should always be feminely shaped) then they will be beautiful. I dont think it really matters what a man looks like, coz luckily for men, their not judged for their looks, as long as their clean and dont have very poor personal hygiene, they can generally get away with being as ugly as sin( lucky them)
  • The eye of the beholder
  • The person within
  • Confidence!
  • Confidence but not arrogance thats such a turn off. When they are well dressed to suit their body, big or small. A nice smile.
  • A smile!
  • hmmm eyes (shiny and big), a cute smile, nice shaped ass, good sized with good shaped boobs, slim ( not thick not thin ) legs and body....list goes on

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