• You simply just go up to the court and make a court date, unfortunately the system is going to be against you(especially if you already have a bad driving record); your word against a police officers usually never flies, unless maybe you get a lawyer to help you out (if you can afford it). You can maybe get lucky though and the judge will be on your side, doesn't hurt to try fighting it; they might drop the charge to something less if anything.
  • You can request a hearing. Pacing you with a stopwatch may or may not be department policy. That said, it's one thing to believe the speed was a mistake within a few mph of the speed limit. However, the officer contends you were driving twice as fast as the law allows. That's a substantial difference and may make proving your case difficult.
  • If you were driving more than the posted limit, even just five mph more, pay the ticket. If you fight it in court, you will lose and will have to pay court costs, etc.

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