• The correct term is AUTONOMIC nervous system, which controls breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, digestive system, size of the eye pupils, and many other body functions. The autonomic nervous system is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, which generally have opposite effects. Autonomic nerves also work together with various hormones (chemicals in the blood) to regulate the body. Normally we have no conscious control over these functions. Breathing is a curious exception, however, because we can hold our breath, hyperventilate, etc. But when we fall asleep or don't pay attention to breathing, the autonomic system takes over and keeps us breathing automatically.
  • The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is the part of the peripheral nervous system that acts as a control system, maintaining homeostasis in the body. These activities are generally performed without conscious control or sensation. The ANS affects heart rate, digestion, respiration rate, salivation, perspiration, diameter of the pupils, micturition (urination), and sexual arousal. Whereas most of its actions are involuntary, some, such as breathing, work in tandem with the conscious mind.

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