• I feel it is because this member does not care about getting answers he/she is only interesting in being the most inquisitive on the leader board. I have answered some of this members answers and got no response even when I asked for more information. Asking questions is great for the site but when you ask just for the sake of asking and could care less about any answers, people soon ignore you. With the questions you mentioned, unless you want to spend your life researching information that no one could care less about (including the asker) without any type of response in comments or points, than answering them may be rewarding to you.
  • For the same reason hardly anybody answers his font questions - utter and abject boredom, leading to them being skipped over and ignored.
  • His AB mission appears to be the number 1 most inquisitive ABer of all time. He has succeeded by asking redundent questions that not many people would be able to answer. He rarely replies when you answer one of his questions. Why bother answering them?
  • Because this user is not about asking quality questions, just a boatload of pointless questions with enough variation to skirt the AB rules. You have seen the "font" questions, the "city" questions, and the "car model" series of pointless questions, right?
  • Because he's a prick and no one wants to communicate with him?
  • It adds nothing to the answer bag community. You aren't being inquisitive if you are simply spamming inane junk. There are those who congratulate him for his level or whatever. Personally I don't see how it is anything but SPAM, which is against the TOS as far as I know.
  • The user's goal is to be "most inquisitive" ABer, and doesn't appear to be concerned about asking quality Qs...just asking a lot.
  • Why should they-are you becoming like him?

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