• They are low-priced issues, often highly speculative, selling at less than $1 a share. Frequently used as a term of disparagement, although some penny stocks have developed into investment-caliber issues. Netegrity $2.18 to $78.20 3487% Visionics $4.38 to $21.00 379% Cellstar $1.44 to $13.50 837% Iomega $3.25 to $13.90 328% Nanophase $3.75 to $16.75 347% Immunomedics $1.44 to $29.12 1922% Total Renal Care$3.12 to $26.95 741% Voxware $ .90 to $10.31 1046% Corvas $3.00 to $23.25 675% Cytogen $2.12 to $17.50 725% Verilink $3.00 to $14.62 387% GeneLabs $2.31 to $10.72 364% I'm on the line on this one.
  • Want to make a small fortune in Penny Stocks? Start with a large one!
  • Penny stocks are very, very, very risky and volatile. AND I LIKE Pokesfan's answer! Most folks think its a great way to earn fast, easy money. Believe me: Its not. The ONLY thing penny stocks are good for is to get folks to part with their hard-earned money. A few sayings about Wall Street: There aren't any gifts on Wall Street! Trees don't grow to Heaven. Neither do stocks! BUlls [BUyers] earn money! BEars [SEllers] earn money! Pigs get fat! Hogs [Greedy traders] get slaughtered! Plan the trade AND trade the plan! When a trader breaks his/her trading rules, he/she runs the risk of breaking his her trading account! Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it! VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name! Source(s): My wonderful family! My wonderful trading coaches and mentors! ABSOLUTELY THE BEST trading group in the entire world - of which I am proud to be a member of! "THE University of Hard Knocks"
  • Stay away from them. They are usually penny stocks for a reason.
  •!! He had a recent pick, I think was LEE, went from like .$60 to $1.40 in a week! You should check it out if you want to get into penny stocks!

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