• I believe it's a sign of respect. The children usually have -chan, whereas I the adults have -san. Also, very respected people sometimes have -sama.
  • They're both common Japanese suffixs. Chan is generaly used to refer to a younger friend, and sometimes playfully used to tease, or used on cute girls (I don't mean "Cute" here, I mean cute in the more innocent sense of the word.) San is basicaly the Japanese equivelant to Sir, used to refer to upper-classmen and authoriy figures. Japanese can be a little confusing, hope that helped.
  • Chan is used for younger people as a sign of affection or friendship. Adults will call all female children xxx-chan while they will call older boys xxx-kun. Adult males will call each other kun as a carryover from childhood days when boys call each other xxx-kun. xxx-San is a sign a respect, acknowledging that the person is a member of adult society. Older men calling younger females xxx-chan might think that they are flattering them by indicating they are young. However, most women would prefer to be called xxx-san for the previous reason. Girls that are friends will call each other xxx-chan

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