• Hopefully on November 5th
  • Officially, when (or if) the Electoral College compiles the vote of each state's Electors. That's supposed to be on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December. Me, I'm waiting for a certain Incumbent to declare Martial Law, annul the elections, and take over as our Beloved Leader. That might happen before the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December
  • Absentee ballots are currently being mailed in. I have read that a large percentage of voters will be voting early. So, hopefully, if there are no shenanigans (oh my gosh..could we really have a fair election or are the crooks gonna try to hijack things again?), people vote and ballots are counted, sometime at the end of the day on November 4 or surely by November 5. Of course there can always be challenges..accusations..the Supreme Court can step in..some flunky in Florida can try to sway things..some thug somewhere can be involved in intimidation. So we're going to need a lot of luck..because the dirty tricks patrol is already at work all over the country. :) ((hugs))

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