• I never heard the term "stodge" before, but with what you are describing, biscuits/cake/pastry/confections etc. I call being a "carbohydrate addict". And yes for me that is the most difficult type of food to control. I have tried to switch to whole grain breads but it is nearly impossible to do when eating out, or when you crave cake! I make the changes where I can - by not using white bread for sandwiches, and sometimes making whole grain pasta but it is just not enough. Those Cheddar Bay Cheese Biscuits at Red Lobster get me every time!
  • Not me. I should be on a diet. Yet my weakness is not sweets, but savory foods, greasy, cheesy meats and such.
  • I have absolutely no problem with sweets. It is the salty and the indirectly sweet as in carbs that get me. Give me a candy or a cake and Im fine, give me a bag of chips and I am in trouble!

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