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  • Nothing is wrong with you! However, you'd better leave that one in the fantasy department and NOT act on it. I'm actually not sure about the details of legality, but it would definately damage your family and hers if acted upon.
  • what's wrong with you? not a damn thing. you'd better break that sh!t open while it's still young and fresh, and she better know how to stop crying and keep her fvcking mouth shut!!
  • It's FINE. I want the same with my step sister and this might happen because she is crazy about me im just too nervous to make a me.
  • Strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong. Your stepsister is not a blood relative. In biological terms, she is a female whom you find attractive. That is pretty normal. It is not even illegal. The law in most states prohibit incest between biologically related siblings (or minor/adult children and parents or other relatives.) It says nothing about if your parents bring an unrelated female into the house. Of course, if she is a minor and you are over 18, THAT'S illegal, but the illegality comes in the age difference. If you are both 17 and have sex, it is no different legally than it would be if she was a girl you met at school. The problems come in terms of the impact it would have in your relationship to your family. If they are really open minded, it might be okay. However, I would not bet on it. Probably best if you steer clear, but if nature takes its course, you won't be breaking any laws.

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