• It is a good decision because, as you say, you PREFER it. It works for you in a way that organized religions obviously didn't. For me, religion is an intensely individual matter. A choice of 'faith' based on the geographical region in which one lives is no faith at all. For example, is one a Christian because he or she believes in the tenets of Christianity, or merely because it's the predominant religion where he or she lives? And how hard do we as a society make it for others of 'alternative' faiths? Find what works for you and live it out loud.
  • Is the real issue for you about your preference or about what you believe is true? We do choose many of our beliefs, but deep seekers want to believe what is true. The search for truth can take some time, energy, and thought. If you are stopping your search because you just don't want to bother, it is a bad decision. If you are still searching and open, but just reporting on your current beliefs, it is a good decision to be honest. You don't have to try to be convinced. Just stay open. That is all anyone can ask.
  • It's an excellent decision, especially since you prefer it. You can't MAKE yourself believe something.
  • I think there is a reason that every organized society that has ever existed has looked for an answer beyond just us. I think there is something innate in us that desires to explain what, if anything, lies beyond this world. If you think you've checked out every alternative to atheism, then yours is the best decision for you. It is neither good nor bad.
  • I would never be arrogant enough to judge someone else's decisions regarding religious beliefs as "good or bad". It's your choice and your decision. That's what free will is all about.
  • It is a great decision. Peace be with you on your path in life.
  • it doesnt matter what we believe. everyone goes. i have not figuired outwhere we go. but we all go. i dont believe in hell. i think everyone goes to heaven. a good place. you could read deepak chopra's called Life after Death would be a good start.
  • I agree with many of the ABers here. The decision is yours to make. Do you feel comfortable with your decision? Can't be certain, but when I read your question, I get the sense that you're still restless about your decision. I feel it's okay if you're still searching for a connection or wholeness - it doesn't have to be through religion. Just like Dorothy in Oz, everything you need to know is already within - hardwired, if you will.
  • Actually, given your search, I think you are probably more of an agnostic than an atheist. Or perhaps a deist, in that you seem to believe there is a god, but don't know whose way to worship is best.
  • What makes you feel happy in your life? Happiness is subjective, it is idividualistic,it is indefinite. That happiness must not be tainted with sinful lifestyle otherwise the path of happiness you have choosen and undertaken equals to any religion in this world.
  • You're not alone. Pat yourself on the shoulder for your lucidy while in a world full of voodoo
  • If you don't believe in any religion, you are by definition either an atheist or an agnostic. So in deciding to be an atheist, you are just deciding not to be an agnostic. Which is fine, but I think many people spend quite a lot of time as an agnostic before deciding that they are atheist.
  • What ever works for you...
  • There's no such thing as a right decision when it comes to religion. You just do what is best for you. Sounds to me like atheist is the best choice for you. It's better then pretending to believe in something that you don't/can't.
  • Your stance sounds more agnostic than atheistic. Atheism actually calls for a belief that there is no god, while agnosticism accepts the possibility but acknowledges that no proof is as of yet conclusive enough to decide.
  • No, I don't think so. Human are tiny tiny little things, if compare to the large Universe created by God. Human may fell. This is why we need friends. Friends help. But what if the problem is too huge until cannot be solve by friends? This is why we seek for God. God creates everything( You should admit that as if there is no creator, how can there be the large and amazing Universe that until today, the tiny tiny little human is still trying to explore and discover. If there is no force, how a particle moves? And then there is source of the force.) Human is trying to explore everything by Science, but what they get is only the knowledge of the process. They can't discover the main source of the process, that the very very origin. So, only by religion, we can explain everything. The Holy Bible is one of the best book to know what you are confused with. It states from the beginning of the world and by Whom, until the very end of the world, and what happens after that. So, by rely and trust on God, He will show us the way, give strength to us, and be with us. God knows everything, but this can't be done by our human friends. That is why you need this almighty spiritual Father(or you can call Him spiritual friend). Another thing is, choose wisely, for the real God. For me, i have chosen God( Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit) for my shepherd in my life.
  • I don't know that it is a decision. Could you suddenly decide to believe in any deity in spite of the fact that you aren't convinced? I highly doubt it. You could pretend to believe, but that isn't the same thing as actually believing. Rather than calling any state of belief or disbelief you are in "right" or "wrong", I'm going to say that it is definitely good for you that you apply critical thinking and discernment to your personal beliefs. Do what is right for you.
  • Guess you'll find out after you die.
  • Alot of people are atheist because they don't believe in the theory of God. You are not alone, as far as your decision goes there is no right, no wrong as long as you have principals in life
  • The decision is yours and yours alone. If you feel that it is right and it feels right to you then yes it is the best. ...and a very good one IMHO
  • It might not be such a great one. I mean, try to find something because, like the old quote goes: "It's better to believe in God and be wrong than to NOT believe in God and be wrong."
  • Who other than you are to say whether it is a good decision or not; you are the one that has to live with it.
  • Buddhism isn't a belief system and has no deity, so the point is kind of moot there. There's no requirement that a person has to believe anything. I wouldn't see that as a decision more as simply being honest.
  • Go with whatever feels right in your heart.
  • You're not alone, my friend. There are many of us who refuse to give, rent or lend our brains to any government of deity
  • Is this a good decision? I guess you you'll find that out when you die.
  • Ask another atheist. . . . .and they'll say, "Yes!" Ask someone of Christianity . . . . .and they'll say,"No!" Take your pick!
  • So go for a Relationship instead. Religions really aren't much good for anything but sending people to Hell.
  • Your question does not make any sense. What does being an athiest have to do with religions? Religions have to do with following a set of spirutal rules. What you really mean to say is you don't believe in God, no matter what belief you have tried. That makes you more of an agnostic than an athiest. If you cannot prove that God exists, how do you prove that God does not exist? Thus, agnostic is what you are.
  • As a Christian once said, "If I'm wrong about God I've got nothing to lose. If I'm right about God you've got everything to lose."
  • I think you may be more of an agnostic than an atheist. The difference being that an Agnostic do not rule out the existence of a Creator God, he just dont find it likely enough to base his faith on.
  • I think whatever works for you and makes the most sense in your heart is the right decision.
  • Whatever works for you is the "good" decision. What resonates with me is "Science of the Mind."
  • Awful decision. Do not ever dare to be an atheist, albeit it is the ultimately last resort for your soul.
  • Defintly. I went through the same thing, and it's so much better, not having to do things you don't want to do because of some religion holding you back. Best of luck to you.
  • Why do you find it hard to believe? All the religions you just named are based upon: Love, Discipline, Faith, Peace, and Kindness... Of course the names have been blemished in ways... but it doesn't take away from what they actually teach. do what you feel is right, but I do not know why you find it hard to believe...infact I find it to be very simple and satisfying. "Love thy neighbor as theyself" - Love God. If you can achieve those 2 have just completed your lifes trial. point blank. Very easy to believe....its for the good of all man kind, for yourself...and for God.
  • why label yourself.. believe what you want to believe. I too am not relegious and follow my own beleifs. A great qoute from Angels and Demons "religion is not perfect because man is not perfect" get it?
  • BTW, Buddhists are atheists. Whatever you feel comfortable with is a good decision.
  • You couldn't have it any other way could you? Not believing in something is hardly a basis for belief. Although..many xtians and others might say silly things like "I don't believe in a god, but I'm spiritual because i have a Chinese character tattooed on my ass." What the two have to do with each other? Bizzarro to say the least, huh?
  • I say yes, it's a decision worth celebrating. I prove that God doesn't exist because of the history of this earth. The evolution of our bodies from single celled ocean bacteria to homo sapians. Not from Adam and Eve. I believe the big bang theory 4.5 billion years ago, not 7 days to earthly perfection. I believe we are not separate or better then any other animal on this earth, therefor why would we have an exclusive heaven only for humans? We are all connected, we are all part of something better, more mysterious, more exciting than God or religion. We are made of star dust. We are part of this earth, of it's history, and of its making. I take pride in that, in science, in learning. I believe (no offense) Christinity is for fools, start learning about the home you live's beauty, it's cruelty, it's indifference, and I'm sure your faith will shake
  • The Bible says, "there is a way that seemeth right to a man, but the end thereof is the way of death." The Bible says only a fool believes there is no God. So, do you think being an atheist is a good decision? Faith in God is not a matter of convincing, it is a matter of trust. When you trust in Jesus, you will know the truth and truth will set you free.

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