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  • You are right.Your Husband should have thought of not having the baby earlier and should have taken according precautions.Plan your Life.Dont spoil the innocent life .
  • Why did you get pregnant? Did you do this on purpose, hoping that he would be okay with it after the fact? That wasn't really fair to him. He wasn't involved in this went ahead on your could have prevented it. Now that you're pregnant you simply expect what from him? It doesn't sound like you respect him. Sorry if I sound harsh, but I don't believe in entrapment of any kind and this seems like you trapped him! :(
  • The only one's that can determine who is right is the 2 of you. The 2 of you had plans but neither of you took precautions to follow your plans. If you don't have the finances to take care of 2 children, you will be going into some very rough waters in your relationship. In my opinion (since you asked... so please don't get mad at me) but the 2 of you apparently have a difference in opinion on abortion as well? If that is the case, you have another very serious roadblock to get past along with the finances. If this were happening to me... I would elect to keep the baby, but I would also understand that choice leads down a tough road, someone is going to probably take a second job or find another way to get more income...
  • You are both right - you wanted to stick to the original plan and he wants to reconsider the plan. There is no right or wrong about either of your approaches. How serious are your financial considerations? Has there been a job loss by either of you that wasn't anticipated? What does he mean exactly by 'can't afford it?' Any child, at any stage of marriage, no matter how ready you are, will cost more than no child; a second child usually costs less at first because you already have the crib, car-seat, clothes, etc. But the ongoing daycare costs, etc., can be considerable. I won't make accusations of entrapment because you haven't said anything about this and because I, too, experienced a planned pregnancy that was a bit earlier than originally planned. But the child who was earlier than planned is the most wonderful young man, and I wouldn't trade the financial rough times that resulted for anything. If your marriage cannot stand a little financial strain, it might not survive the other challenges you will face down through the years. But a challenge can always be met if you are both determined, and if you have a little help from family and friends. Best of luck and let us know how it all turns out.
  • What ever the reason may be, the fact is that you are pregnant now. You have to keep the innocent baby some how. Be careful and take steps not to conceive before two years. Please understand your husband has a valid point to postpone having children. God bless you.
  • The way I see it is, if everyone waited until they could 'afford' to have their kids, we'd be an endangerd species. It's NEVER the right time, and he thinks you can't afford it, but after the baby comes you find ways to make it work, I have a 4 year old who wasn't planned for and came at a BAD time, but thank the gods he did, we've been able to 'afford' him, and I can't imagine life without him. Things just have a way of working out. Once he sees that little face your hubby won't worry about money anymore!!!
  • You are right. Don't have an abortion. I come at this from the man's perspective. I am not proud of this, but I had an affair with a married woman and got her pregnant. When she told me, I was happy and excited and told her that I wanted the baby and would help she and her husband raise it. She agreed, but before we could tell her husband, she changed her mind and had an abortion. I was devastated. All the guilt of having an affair was bad enough, but it was a thousand times worse having lost my baby. For over a year I was depressed, started drinking way too much, got arrested for drunk driving - happily no one was hurt - I was a mess. Then I met a girl who loved me and I turned my life around. I am now the very proud father of three beautiful little children - two very rambunctious little boys (7 and 6) and one little princess (age 4) who has her daddy wrapped around her finger. I am happy and head over heels in love. (Truth in advertising - we are not married, but have been together for 10 years. We do not disapprove of marriage, but we just like the idea that what keeps us together is not a wedding or an institution, but the love we share for each other. I cannot imagine my life without her.) So life can turn for the better. Your husband is thinking in the short term and the here and now and has reduced his baby to a cost/benefit analysis. There is a hole in my heart when I think of the little baby I never knew. Even when I think about it to this day, it can still bring me to tears. Don't do that to yourself. Sorry to be so harsh, but any man that won't take responsibility for his offspring will be a lousy provider and protector anyhow. Have the baby and if you think you can, raise him or her. If not, put him or her up for adoption so that he or she can know a loving family. Just an aside, in some adoptions you may be able to stay in touch with your baby as he or she grows. I have a friend who found her birth mother years later and while she adores her adoptive parents and regards them as her parents, she has become good friends with her birth mother. So have the baby - you won't regret it.

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