• because the 40% which are good, are invisible.
  • Cuase you haven't met the one who makes feel special and loved to you think the opposite.
  • How else we supposed to breast feed?
  • cause your not dating the right percentage of men, which would be the 1%. I really can't answer that accurately for you, it seems like your being negative, but not all men are the same, you just have to find the right man for you.
  • Because the remaining 1% are either gay or dead... LOL...
  • because we're so horny
  • Somebody is mad at their boyfriend.............
  • Your user name really suits you;)
  • Hey,...we resemble that remark.....
  • Do I sense a little bitterness in this question?
  • Little clue. 99% of men dont suck. Honestly about 1% of them really do. Youre just too busy basking in heartache to give the rest of them a chance...
  • The answer may well lie in the questions you asked immediately before and after this question.
  • To make the rest of us look good, of course. :)
  • HAve you met 99% of men yet???
  • Some women LIKE it when men... Oh... Really? I believe your percentage is WAY off the mark there. I'll give you that maybe 99% of the men you meet and think are cute might suck, but, there are a LOT of guys out there that don't and you probably don't give them the time of day. ;-)
  • Well! I would like to rectify a mistake in your question, The fact is that 99% of men don't suck. There are those 1 % who suck the brain rest suck.......... lol I don't know why but My friends say that 99% women also suck. Now it is balanced.
  • Oh! And another reason why 99% of men because the other 1% swallows..... LOL....(I know, low blow!! It was too funny to keep in!!)
  • I think you will find thats 99% of gay men....
  • well if you are in a gay bar the chances are 99% of the guys in there will suck (suck what you ask lol?) but seriously, were not all that bad, from your own personal experience you may not get the best impressions of us, but that it no reason to downgrade a whole gender. sexism is the same as resicm and sectarianism, uncalled for and generally incorrect. im someone said why is it that 99% of black people suck(just as an example, no offence intended) then i would say you would have some serious issues on your hands. you would face strong reprisal. it is the same principal really, pre-judging a wide group of people because of your interactions with an extremely small sector of that group. i would hope to think that you answered this whilst agrovated and your general oppinions during everyday life differ from what you have conveyed here. :)
  • Because they're taught to by society.
  • Oh it's more like 83 percent. Don't be so pessimistic.
  • Oh, this is an EASY one! Because it's such an intimate, personal act that is usually totally focused upon the woman and not our own needs or wants. For me, it's SO intimate and erotic that it often times is more satisfying emotionally than intercourse. There is just something about this total focus on HER wants and needs that draws me that much closer to my wife. And besides...women are just so d*mned beautiful in the first place, so what man WOULDN'T want to get up close and personal this way? What? You didn't mean it this way? oops... <blushes deep red, slinks away embarrassed>
  • They know it brings pleasure, to their significant other.
  • Sounds like you're hanging out with the wrong guys ( least 99% of them)
  • because you havent met me yet ha!
  • You sure it isn't 98.9%???
  • im downrating this cuz im fighting for mens rights mens suffrage!
  • hmmm perhaps your hanging out with the wrong men
  • because 98% of women don't?
  • You need to change your social contacts as well as those which include emotions and passion. Some do, yes. I don't disagree with that. I know some like that. Your question is much like the person who asked earlier today why so many women of a certian racial/ethnic group had children and no husbands. You are generalizing by looking at a small group of society and judging the whole by the actions and attitudes of one small group. Like the three blind men who examined a elephant and each recorded entirely different impressions/esperiences.
  • Only about 50% of men s---. I don't have the stats to back me up and I'm only relying on personal experiences!
  • I don't suck. I prefer to lick.
  • Maybe 99% of the men you know suck. Most of the men in my life that I want to be around are awesome. you need to change the people you hang out with and weed the sucky ones out.
  • Now that isn't a provocative question.
  • To find the answer to that question you need to go back and examine the quality of the men in your life...father, brother, uncles, male companions, and acquaintances. Your answer is buried with them.
  • I think the number is lower and it includes females as well. On the street there is a percentage of people that just plain suck. When you get into an isolated group, the numbers often drop drastically. Take AB for instance (or 'forums' in general). Because the main objective is to interact with others, a lot (unfortunately not all) of those people that suck won't even participate. So the 'suck ratio' here is lower than out in the world yo...;)
  • I represent the 1% of men who don't suck and I think the rest of the 99% don't either....
  • Well my estimation is about 100% of all men suck - at least in the first months of their life - just the heritage of mammals :-)
  • Little Miss Ironically Named Sunshine, I am pleased to inform you that there are indeed a plethora, yea, a cornucopia of good AVAILABLE men out there. The problem is, they are hard to find. More to the point, they are the men you don't usually look at. They tend to be shy, so you won't notice them right off the bat. If you wait for guys to make the first move, you're getting a skewed sampling, since the guys who unfailingly make the first move are usually PLAYERS. It's the guys you catch looking but then then look away, and never approach you, leaving you to wonder why. They're too shy to approach you, but they can be real gems if you make the first move. So make the first move on those guys. You'll make their day, and they just might make your YEAR. :)
  • You haven't met the good ones. Hang in there, they are out there. Actually most women suck too, lol.
  • because 100% of women do, and we're trying to keep up...
  • is it because most of us were breast fed?
  • just cuz they're men.
  • Because 100% of women blow.
  • It could be that the men in your life suck, but i dont think thats the case. I just think you need to realize that men think with one side of their brain and women the other. please pick up some literature on psychology and it will be clear to u why they are the way they are. im sure once learn the differences you will change your mind.
  • I dont suck :) i care about everything my girl says. but good luck anyways!!!
  • because mouse and man, both r in search of holes...where they find,they gt attracted...!!!
  • 99% of the men YOU have run into may suck, but those men of your own experience DO NOT represent the rest of us. I'm taking issue with that because your inaccurate and unfair generalization does not serve [justice] to the rest of us who are, at least, half way decent. I could flip around the same question just to see how you and other women would feel about it; but I'm not going to do it because I'm the least interested in engage myself with you or anybody else in an endless and fruitless argument about who is the one who really [SUCKS]. Maybe-just maybe-you look for a good man in all the wrong place. Or what you're getting is
  • You are obviously hanging out with the bottom feeders..why don't you change your neighborhood? My son, his friends, my sweetheart, my brother-in-law, my male friends..they do not "suck"..they are kind, helpful, sweet, supportive and smart. If you are speaking from your own experience you're either exaggerating a lot or you need to review your choices because your experience is way off kilter! :) Happy Saturday! :)
  • I don't suck...
  • Not sure about that but i wish 99% of women did. :D
  • I say men and women are equal on that. You have to find the right person. I went through two bad serious relationships before I found the guy I am with now. I even have several guys friends who are amazing guys. There are those who will always be jerks and immature, but there are even more who are always there for you no matter what.
  • Its not true often women overlook the really good ones because they are not quite as confident or they don't fit societies unreal mold of what sexy is. It seems women often go for the ones who treat them badly it is not entirely our fault.
  • And now I can't post my comment in the box there (which I just deleted from here), so I'm re-posting it as an answer to LMS's comments here: Hopefully she'll see it! :) We have ALL been hurt, just like Little Miss Sunshine. I've been treated poorly and used in the past, to the point where friends had an INTERVENTION to get me away from a particular woman. On top of that, I can't get a date to save my life lately, and have been rejected pretty brutally. Does that mean that 99% of women "suck?" Probably not. We have a habit of blaming others for our problems. The one constant in my relationships is ME, so my relationship situation (or lack thereof) is ultimately MY FAULT. Little Miss Sunshine, I sometimes feel exactly the way you do... one bitten twice shy, and I've been through the wringer many times. However, there are a lot of good guys out there. Start looking in places you haven't considered. Generally the best guys are those women file in the "friends" category and never consider dating.
  • To give women a reason to gloat?
  • I think your stats are wrong. Only about 10% suck, the majority of the rest lick.
  • I'm not sure what we exactly suck at...
  • For the same reason 99% of women suck.
  • It sounds like you haven't found the "right" man yet ... don't give up, he's out there somewhere.
  • Because 99% of women don't.
  • I think you framed that question the wrong way. It's not that 99% of men suck.. it's just that 99% of SOME men's characters suck. (Note to self: avoid like plague)
  • I don't know....I got lucky, I married a good one. He has a nice father who treats his wife well. I think its a selfish thing that we just dont get. They are inhierently selfish, we inheirently think of others..... It would never occur to us to think their way and vice versa. When you find the one in a million who puts your happiness above his, marry him quick.
  • If I were my old self, I would yell: "YOU SEXIST BASTARD!" But I'm not... So i'm just going to say that I personally think that you're just blowing off steam on the internet to get other people mad at you, so you can blow off some more steam at the people who get mad at you... And I will say that if I ever quoted you and said that to some of my friends, i can say that they will either say something totally perverted, or say: "YOU SEXIST BASTARD!" No offense was implied in this answer.
  • 1)It is because you either can't understand which people are good and bad for you or 2)because you always want others to do what you want or believe,without caring about their opinion.

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