• No, no, and yes (for a while). Abraham had only one wife, Sarah. Abraham did have an illegitimate son by Hagar but he was not married to her. Isaac had only one wife, Rebekah. Jacob is a bit more complicated. He neither listened to nor obeyed God. Through Laban's deceit and his own selfishness, Jacob became a polygamist with two wives. Then Jacob became a believer (Genesis 32:24-30) and put idolatry out of his household (Genesis 35:2-4). Then God took Rachel, Jacob's second wife (Genesis 35:19), leaving only his first wife Leah. Jacob was no longer a polygamist. In the Bible, a few kings and patriarchs had more than one wife but these few instances were exceptions and rarely turned out well. The general rule from Genesis chapter two and throughout clearly is that God created marriage for one man and one woman. This monogamist view is the only New Testament view of marriage and the kind of marriage that Jesus Christ raised to the level of a sacrament. For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, section 1601 and following: With love in Christ.
  • 1) "The Hebrew Bible indicates that polygyny was practised by the ancient Hebrews. Though the institution was not extremely common it was not particularly unusual and was certainly not prohibited or discouraged by the Bible. Nowhere in the Torah or the rest of the Bible is monogamy established as a rule or even a desirable principle. The Bible mentions approximately forty polygynists, including such prominent figures as Abraham, Jacob, Esau, Moses, David and King Solomon, with little or no further remark on their polygyny as such. The Torah, the Five Books of Moses, includes a few specific regulations on the practice of polygyny. Exodus 21:10 states that multiple marriages are not to diminish the status of the first wife, while Deuteronomy 21:15-17 states that a man must award the inheritance due to a first-born son to the son who was actually born first, even if he hates that son's mother and likes another wife more, implying that she had been divorced, and Deuteronomy 17:17 states that the king shall not have too many wives.[20] [21] The biblical institution of a levirate marriage was a positive provision towards polygynous. The institution required a man to marry and support his deceased brother's widow if he died without her having given birth to a son. (Deuteronomy 25:5-10) The practice has been justified that it was important for the brother to have died without an heir to continue his name, or say the prayers for the dead for him. It has also been argued that there were also negative factors for the childless widow since children and fertility were a sign of God's blessing. This practice also provided a means of provide for widows. If the eldest brother refused to marry the widow then it was the responsibility of the next brother and so forth down the family line. The Hebrew Bible prohibits polyandry. For a woman to have sexual relations when she is married to another (which would include a situation such as polyandry) would constitute adultery, with the consequences that it would have on her status, as well as of her children from that relationship." Source and further information: 2) "Some scholars have described Isaac as "a legendary figure" while others view him "as a figure representing tribal history, though as a historical individual" or "as a seminomadic leader, or as the founder of a cult." The stories of Isaac, like other patriarchal stories of Genesis, are generally believed in liberal western scholarship (in contrast with conservative western scholarship, which believes the stories of Isaac, and other patriarchal stories in Genesis, to be factual) to have "their origin in folk memories and oral traditions of the early Hebrew pastoralist experience."" Source and further information: There is no indication about Isaac being polygamist. 3) "And Sarai Abram's wife took Hagar the Egyptian, her handmaid, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to Abram her husband to be his wife. " Source and further information: 4) "Jacob had twelve sons by his two wives, Leah and Rachel, and his two concubines, Bilhah and Zilpah. He thus sired the twelve Tribes of Israel. His sons were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Joseph, and Benjamin." Source and further information: 5) Some views try to interpret the Bible in the sense that polygamy was not supported by "God". Those theories are just wishful thinking, in my opinion. I'll give them for the report:
  • Abraham was married to Hagar, though not legally in Gods eyes....Jacob was married to both Leah and Rachel....but Leah was buried with Jacob and Levi and Judah were her sons...she was the true wife even though through deception.Jacob was shallow because he loved Rachel for her beauty but Leah was the one who only wanted to be loved and was the better wife ..Gods intention was for man to have one wife til death do they part...anything else is adultery to him..He did not make the divorce laws, Moses did because of the hardness of Israel...GOD HATES DIVORCE......Sarah was impatient with Gods promise and took matters in her own hands and Abraham went along with it.thus they both had a lapse in faith...people assume these were not plural marriages....and God did not Plan for it to be that .....but if you study all 3 of these plural marriages there is a very BIG LESSON in all the problems they caused....there was lots of jealousy, sibling rivalry, and parental prefrences.... as is today with divorce, step kids , step parents... God worked it all out in HIS PLAN we just need to heed the lessons......

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